42: The Reasoning

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[42: The Reasoning]


"Would you like cheese on yours love?" Harry glanced over his shoulder at me as I nodded.

"Yes please." He smiled and turned back to the stove as he took the pasta off the heat.

Dinner had rushed around faster than I thought and Harry had insisted I stayed. Well, more like told me that I was staying here.

My eyes glanced down at my sweats and I felt my face flush in memory of what happened hours ago. Harry had touched me there and I liked it. A lot.

Oh god. If Harry and I do get together, I'm going to jump on him every day and demand sex. Hope he doesn't mind.

A bowl was placed in front of me, taking me out of my thoughts as I looked up at Harry. He smiled cutely down at me before leaning closer to my face.

My lashes fluttered as he gave a soft peck to my lips.

"Enjoy..." I hummed in response as he pulled away and walked back to the stove. Wow, this looked appetising.

Spaghetti bolognese with shredded cheese over the top. Simple yet affect.

Harry sat down beside me with his own bowl as he scooted closer to me. His arm slithered around my waist as he kissed my shoulder. "Bon appetite." He whispered as I smiled and dug my face into the food.

This was amazing. Harry could cook, sing, be attractive and put his fingers to good use. Ticks all my boxes.

Except for the commitment box.

Swallowing down, I stared at my food while over thinking about that box. What if this was temporary fun? I mean, nobody can drag Harry Styles down right?

"Baby girl," his large hand rubbed up and down my side, "what are you thinking about?" With a bite of my bottom lip, I shook my head.

"It's nothing." Apparently that answer didn't satisfy him.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I'm not going to judge you or hold it against you." We locked eyes and his gaze seemed sincere.

He wasn't lying because that's who he was; he'd always be the friend that you could lean on.

But I couldn't tell him. I just didn't want to seem like some sort of clingy 21 year old that wants attention.

"I just... I don't want to be the reason you and Niall fight."

Avoided one touchy subject; check.

Entered into another touchy subject; check.

Harry sighed and put his cutlery down before running a hand through his hair. His eyes set on the bench as his jaw tightened.

"It's not your fault baby girl." He spoke, his clear voice sounded like it was trying to hide something. Maybe a quiver or a stutter?

"But, if I didn't come into the picture tha-"

"-then my life would be hell." Harry turned to me in his stool. Both of his hands found mine as he rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles. "Don't blame yourself for something you didn't do. This is between Niall and I."

Looking down, I slowly pulled his hands up to kiss the back of both of them. Harry turned our hands and gave me the exact same treatment.

"Why?" I muttered as he leant forward to put our foreheads together.

"Because I know what Niall's like with women." My brows scrunched as I tightened my hands around his; wanting him to continue. "Niall is good to women, he is. But he gets bored very easily. He wants the excitement and he wants the relationship feeling. But he doesn't want the strings attached. And I just want to protect you from that."

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