25: Don't make a move

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[25: Don't make a move]


I never liked being in a powerless position. One where I was frozen to the spot and my mind would literally go blank.

There was one time when I was younger that I had been outside in the seating area watching some rain. It was nice; just watching the loud droplets and listening to the hard pounding of it all.

But when I had, had enough and wanted to go inside, I found this massive toad on the doorstep. I was too scared to go up to it and shoo it away.

What if it attacked me? Or jumped on me? Being only 4, I wasn't thinking straight.

And so I was trapped outside crying for my parents to help me out.

Well, right now I felt the same thing. Except the fear and without the tears. But I was frozen, and my mind had literally gone blank.

Harry had put his lips upon mine after we were mobbed and I don't know how to react.

I've always dreamed of this when I was younger, but I wanted it to be special in a way. But now, it feels weird and like he was taking things to fast.

So I pushed him away by his shoulders and stared at him wide eyed. He licked his lips before biting his bottom one; staring at me like he usually would.

"H-Harry... why-"

"I want to kiss you." He muttered taking my shoulders and leaning forward. "I want to kiss you so badly Madeline." His desperate attire became obvious as he leant in to try and lay another one on me.

"No Harry!" I moved myself to the other side of the car as he looked at me confused. "I'm not ready to kiss you."

"Why not?" He sat up across from me as I pulled out my phone.

"Does there have to be a reason?"

"Yes!" Harry yelled leaning towards me. "I like you! A lot Madeline! And I think you like me too."

"Bit up yourself are we?" I hissed pulling my phone to my ear.

"What are you doing? Who are you talking to?" I ignored him and slid to the furtherest seat of the car from him.

"Trish, it's Madeline. Can you come get me?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Where are you?"

I looked out before biting my lip.

"Hold on," I put a hand over my phone and turned to the driver, "can you stop the car?"

"Madeline no!"

"Can you please stop the car!" The car slowly came to a halt as I moved over to open the door.

"No!" Harry pulled me back as we both fell to the floor.

"Let go Harry!"

"I'm sorry ok!" The car went quiet. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made a move on you. I'll... I'll take you back to your hotel." Looking at him suspiciously, his eyes pleaded me to give into his offer.

"Madeline?" I faintly heard Trish from the phone.

"As long as you don't touch or kiss me, ok?" Harry nodded profusely as I heaved a sigh and put the phone back to my ear. "Don't worry. Harry's bringing me back."

"Are you sure?" I sat up and Harry shut the door before signalling the driver to go.

"Yeah," he sat across from me, quietly fumbling with his thumbs, "I'm sure."


"I can walk-"

"No." I cut Harry off and stepped out of the car. "You have a good night Harry."


Closing the door, I pulled my hands under my armpits and walked back into the hotel where I was staying. The sound of a thud echoed behind me as I stepped into the building.

It probably looked weird for an underdressed woman to step into such a high quality place. But it doesn't matter. As long as I'm a paying customer then that's all they want.

A large hand suddenly grasped my shoulder as I flinched back.

"Madeline..." Dammit Harry.

"Harry, go home." Turning, he shook his head and stepped closer.

"Not until I know that everything is ok between us."

"It's fine." I went to turn but he prevented me yet again.

"No, no it's not." Shaking him off harshly so he would let go, I made my way to the elevator. "I stepped over the boundaries! I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry, I get it. It's fine."

Waiting for the doors to open, I felt myself pushed up against the wall so I was sandwiched between it and Harry.

"What the he-"

"I'm not moving until you hear me out." Narrowing my eyes, I made a few fatal attempts of escaped but nothing. The bastard had me trapped. "I don't know what came over me. I just... I like you a lot Madeline and I find it hard to keep my hands off of you."

His arms slowly wrapped around my torso as I tensed.

"I want you to be with me so bad. And I - I have never really had to work for the women I wanted."

"Oh, well isn't that sweet." I hiss as his arms tightened.

"That came out wrong," Harry shook his head, "give me a chance to work for you. I can, I promise I will. I won't make a move on you again unless you want me to. Please."

With a sigh, the elevator dinged though Harry's hold on me never faltered.

What's with this testosterone driven male and trying to be forgiven? He made a move which I didn't appreciate after I had told him to stop. But if I'm that irresistible then he'll have to work twice as hard.

Same with Niall. I need to remind him to keep his hands to himself for a while.

"Ok," I sighed nudging him away, "Ok. Alright, we're good." Harry let go of me as I slipped from his hold. "No moves on me alright?" Harry nodded and smiled at me.

"Unless you want me too." Rolling my eyes, I gave a playful wink at him. He smiled back and waved at me cheekily as I pressed the elevator button. "I-I'll message you!"

"I'll be waiting." And the doors to the elevator closed.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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