30: Hate that I love you

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[30: Hate that I love you]


"You having fun?"

My gaze twisted beside me to see Harry leaning against the wall, arms crossed and knee bent.

"Harry?" He looked up with his intense stare as I shivered. "Yes, i-it's great!" He pushed off of the wall and stepped over to me.

I watched cautiously as his hand gripped my shoulder. It slowly slid up to the back of my neck as Harry pushed us back inside the female toilets.

My heart began beating irratically in my chest at how close Harry was to me. I was pushed back onto the sinks and Harry lifted me onto the surface.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or not -probably was-, but in this moment, I wanted Harry as close to me as possible.

My hands gripped the lower back of his shirt as he pressed himself against me. He shaky breathed over my lips as he leant me back onto the glass mirror.

"I want to kiss you," he groaned running his hands up and down my back. I picked up on his excitement and pushed my hands under his shirt as he moaned to himself, "can I?"

Running a hand up to his neck, I nodded quietly to instantly feel his lips mesh with mine. This was amazing. This feeling that I had gotten when I was with Harry, when he lips were on mine.

"Shit." I breathed through the kiss as my arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled my body underneath his as his hands eagerly gripped my ass.

"I want this. I want you with me so fucking badly." Hearing him curse was hot as hell right now. It gave Harry this dark persona and I liked it.

Tilting his head up, I attached my lips to his neck as he groaned - his fingers scratching at the mirror. His body tensed as I sucked harshly on the spot I had chosen; his hand reaching up and cupping the back of my neck.

The encouragement drove me further as Harry stifled a cry.

"A-ah!" He whimpered as I pulled away, pinching his dark red piece of skin. "Shit yes." He cussed again. I lightly kissed over the mark as he panted beside my face.

A loud bang came on the door as we looked up to see Trish and Brandon stumbling in lip locking. I pulled myself closer to Harry as his arm locked around my waist.

Once the two spotted us, they looked over like deers caught in headlights. Looking at them, and then back at us, I burst out laughing at how ridiculous this situation was.

"U-uh," Brandon looked at Trish and back at us.

"C'mon Harry." I whispered, jumping from the surface and taking his hand. He followed me out into the corridor and back to the entrance of the party.

"Wait!" He pulled me back and attacked his lips onto mine. The long hard kiss last a short while before he pulled away. Smiling over my face, his thumb caressed my cheekbone as he admired my features. "You're so beautiful."

I plastered a grin and pecked his lips before we walked back into the party. Back to the group that began to once again acknowledge me; acknowledge us.


"Thank you!" I waved over dramatically as the second last car departed the scene. Trish waved beside me as I looked over, nudging her side to get an eye roll.

She was still embarrassed at the little scenery in the bathroom. But it's ok, because she thinks she can use seeing Harry and I together as blackmail. She can't really, but I'll let it slide so she feels better about herself.

"Babe." Looking over, Niall smiled and slowly pulled me into his warm hug. I sighed contently and relaxed into him as he rubbed my back. "I'll see you soon ok?"

I nodded to then feel him then kiss my forehead and slowly pull away. Smiling at me, he gave my nose and forehead another kiss before climbing into the car.

A pair of arms then wrapped around me as lips kissed my neck. My breath caught in my throat as I looked back to see Harry smile at me.

"I'll see later Madeline." With a quick sneaky kiss to my cheek, his hand glides across my side until he steps away. Harry gave one last smile before climbing into the car.

I watched the last car -their car- pull out and looked over to see Trish smirking at me.

"What?" I whispered, tightening the jacket Trish had given me to use.

"See you soon. Talk to you later."

She mocked as I punched her shoulder.

"Fuck me in the toilets Brandon."

Her eyes widened as I winked and made my way back towards our hotel. We had to walk back, not that it was so bad. Bit of nice fresh air and little exercise.

"Shut the hell up!" I heard Trish behind me and laughed as I scurried across the road and peeked myself back into the familiar building.

My phone vibrated as I pressed on the elevator button for it to immediately open. Trish was probably lagging behind with Brandon, talking about having makeup sex or something.

Niall: miss you already babe xx

Me: not even 5 minutes ago you saw me :')

Niall: that's what you do to me ;) xxx

Looking through my gallery after his message, I picked out the best group photo of all of us tonight. Cropping the empty spaces and filtering it, I then added it to Instagram with a caption to Twitter.


I'm going to miss you London!! Thanks for making tonight one hell of a going away party babes x I love you xxx

Adding all the tags of people in the photo, I yawned and stepped out of the elevator and back to the door.


Searching through the jacket, I grab a handful of items and smiled at the success before cringing.

I was holding the hotel keys, a half empty packet of gum and a...

A condom.

How classy Trish.

"Hate that I love that girl..."


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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