29: Let's Party

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[29: Let's Party]


Once the two boys and a friend of Trish's -somebody she had met during her beauty course- had arrived, the 5 of us made our way out of the hotel where we waited for our car.

We could walk let's be honest. But it's cold and I don't want to get noticed right now.

And knowing that there's a bunch of celebrities standing outside, vulnerable to cameras and people, it's kind of impossible not to get noticed.

"-and it was literally this big. Not even joking." Niall explained the terror of a wasp once flying into the studio.

It made me think, -not about the wasp- but since the moment Niall arrived tonight, how Harry's been quite. I understand that they both know that they both like me, but Harry hadn't made an effort for conversation in over 20 minutes.

I don't know whether to be concerned or annoyed. Why turn up if he wasn't going to talk to me? Or anyone?

"Car's here!" Trish caught our attention as we looked over to see the big vehicle pull up in front of us.

Niall took my hand in his and pulled us to the car as I stumbled with him.

He is so lucky I'm not wearing heels.

"We got everybody?" Trish looked over at our group, her hand in Brandon's. "Alright, get in ya moles!" I laughed at her approach and was pulled forward again only to drop my phone.

"No!" I gasped and pulled away from Niall to collect it. But another hand with a tattooed cross embedded into the skin had already picked it up. My eyes lifted to see Harry staring over at me. "Thank you." I smiled and went to take the phone only for him to inch it out of reach.

"I'll give it back, if... you sit next to me." Huffing at the boy, we both stood up as he waited patiently for my answer.

"Alright Harry. I'll sit next to you." A grin spread across his face as he handed me back my phone.

We came back to the car to see Niall pouting, sitting at the end seat with Brandon beside him. I chuckled to myself and came in beside Trish's friend, Savannah I think, with Harry squeezing in beside me.

He shut the door and the car took off as I checked over my life -the phone to see if it was ok. No scratches, perfect.

Harry's fingers brushed my arm and I looked over to see him asking me something through his eyes. Then feeling his hand reach into mine, I watched as he pulled them between us; fingers laced and clutching mine.

It was cute that he wanted to hold hands. After being so quiet, he's finally going to give us some attention. I wonder why he went quiet. Something about Niall no doubt. Or maybe me as well?

"I'm gonna miss you." Harry whispered, his thumb playing over my knuckles. "I wish I could go with you, or you come with us."

I gave his hand a squeeze.

"It's only two weeks. I'll come visit you guys in Ireland." Harry smiled widely at me as our car soon came to a stop.

The heap of us crawled out of the car, Harry keeping our hands together as we waited for the group.

"This way." We heard a security guard and followed him inside the building. I had a quick glance with Trish through the venue before hiring it out. It wasn't small but it wasn't like a club. Big enough for a bit more than 20 people or so but nevertheless, the right size for this party.

Pushing a curl behind my ear, I stepped into the room first, the group following. It was nicely setup. And I have to admit, hands down, that Trish knows how to decorate a party.

That woman could literally do anything and be successful.

"Wow." I breath looking around at the peach coloured and candle lit -dim lighted- room. She completely nailed it.

"You like it?" Trish wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "I looked through many designs but decide to mix and match some, until Brandon and I came to this."

Turning over, I pulled my friend into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you!" I cooed as she laughed and let us swing side to side.

"Madeline!" She yelled as we tripped over a chair and tumbled to the ground. I laughed hard at how much we must of looked like idiots. But burst into hysterics when Trish's ankle lengthen skirt flew up her thighs.

This was going to be amazing.


All the guests had arrived and I checked the time to see it was close to 10 to 11. Just over an hour left.

People had dispersed amongst themselves into small groups. Our group had about 6 people standing around as we chatted; Niall beside me as he pulled his arm around my waist.

We had a massive debate about him holding me this way, but just like in the coffee shop today, it was the right timing at the wrong place.

My shoulder had been pushed into his chest as his laughs vibrated through and onto me. It was nice being held by somebody that cares about you. But when I think about it, Niall has been pushy with his actions.

He's overly confident that I'm going to fall into his arms. But I'm not feeling that commitment from him that I want. Being tossed around like a monthly hoe is something I refuse.

And I was surprised at how tipsy I was on my 9th bottle of Cruiser. Ok, maybe I was a little drunk. But it's only a little right? So I shouldn't have this killer hangover tomorrow.

"I'll be back." I finished my drink and Trish happily took it from me.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked as I stepped away only for him to pull me closer.

"Bathroom." I mumbled as he hummed kissing my cheek. My hand reached up and ghosted over the back of his neck as he smiled on my face.

"Be quick darlin." With a quick tap to my behind, I was off.

Receiving smiles and a few acknowledgements, I came to the corridor outside of the room and slipped into the toilets.

Getting in and fixing myself was easy. Getting out was a bit more trouble though...


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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