44: I've made my decision

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[44: I've made my decision]


I knocked on Niall's door for the third millionth time to still not receive an answer.

He hasn't replied and now he's not answering my messages. If the bastard left the building I will lose my shit. "Niall!" I yelled pounding my fists. "F-fucking open the door!"

Why was I choking up? Why was I about to cry? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Madeline," Harry ran a hand over my back as I looked at him. His eyes widened at my expression as I looked down.

"It's hopeless..." I muttered and stepped away.

"No." Harry shook his head and balled his fists. "Let me take care of this." Stepping aside, Harry cracked his neck before suddenly kicking as hard as he could on the door.

The hinges came loose as it flung open.

Well then.

Harry strode into the apartment as I followed after him, looking for that damn luggage case of mine. I'm going to make sure I have it with me always now.

"I'll go find the bastard and you get your suitcase." I nodded as Harry pecked my lips and went towards the kitchen side of the apartment.

Running a hand through my hair, I came through to the other side of the large room.

"Shit!" I heard a whisper and raised an eyebrow to follow the sounds. They became louder and louder as I walked towards the open door at the end of the hall. "Yes Niall! Niall!"

Are you fucking kidding me?

I stepped into the door frame to see some redhead bouncing up and down on the popstar. I should have cried. I should have felt hurt. But right now...

I felt more angry than anything.

"Niall fucking Horan."

The girl stopped and shot her head back at me as she went wide eyed.

Oh, and look at that.

My suitcase is in the corner of the room.

"Please tell me this is some kind of joke." I growled as the girl pulled herself away from the perpetrator. Niall sat up wide eyed; with ruffled sex hair, and scratch marks over his chest.

"Madeline!" Harry clearly called as Niall paled. My fists balled as I looked over at the girl.

"And who are you?" She looked shyly between Niall and I.

"I-I work h-here-"

"Madeline, I couldn't fi-"

Harry stopped wide eyed in his tracks. He looked over the entire scene as I shook my head.

Harry was here. And Harry was no doubt pissed. And Harry was strong.

So I didn't need to be anymore.

"Are you fucking kidding me Niall?!" Harry roared as Niall pulled a pair of boxers from his side draw out and fixed himself up.

I sunk back behind Harry as my hand gripped his shirt.

Well... I don't think I need to make the decision anymore. It's pretty damn clear who I'm going to choose now.

"Aleisha, I think you should go." Niall muttered as the girl stood.

"It's Alexia." She took the bed sheet and her clothes before quietly slipping past us. I glared at her the whole way down the hall until she was out of sight.

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