24: Let her See

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[24: Let her See]


I watched the interview from the dressing room television connected up to the wall. The boys were so relaxed and easy with the interview although Liam did most of the talking.

Niall was pretty keen to talk about their new album and everything Harry answered basically turned sexual. He even pretended to walk off set because something he said had sparked the dirty minds of the audience.

It was coming to the end of the show and the boys were thanking their fans. I was kind of hoping that while I was here, that I wouldn't have to deal with Miss Control freak.

But I guess it was inevitable.

"No, you cannot." I kept my temper down and my eyes level with hers.

"I was told specifically to wait at the side door."

"Well you cannot wait there and that is final." She snapped, arms crossing over her chest like a girl having a tantrum.

"Why not?" She rolled her eyes and fixed her headgear.

"You can either wait back in the dressing room or outside the building.  I don't care either way. But you are not to be waiting in the hall." She yelled at me as I exhaled a shaky breath.

"Alright." Was what my timid temper managed to squeeze out as I slipped back into the dressing room. I wanted nothing more than to see her head slam against the wall many times, but I am a trained actor. And that means that if I like my job, then I won't do anything to ruin it.

The show had finally ended and the time just rolled a bit past 9:30.

Harry still had to buy me dinner as I didn't bring my purse. Plus it was part of my condition on coming with him tonight.

People from the boys team came in and packed everything, set everything, basically cleaned it all up. There was a lot of movement in here and the space had eliminated between everybody.

But nobody seemed to mind. Must have been in this situation one too many times.

The doors burst open and 3 of the 4 boys stepped into the room. Harry not included. He must have gone straight to the place where he had told me to wait. Dammit.

Clutching my phone, I squeezed past everyone towards the door. "Hey!" A hand snatched mine. I looked back to see Niall weave through people until we were nearly pressed together. "Where are you going?"

"Home!" I yelled over the loud voices. "I only came for the interview and free food!" Niall nodded and lowered his mouth to my ear.

"You don't want to come back to our apartment for drinks?" I shook my head. "You sure?" Giving him a quick hug, I nodded.

"Bye Niall!" He frowned and tightened his hand on my hand as he stepped forward. He placed a light kiss onto my forehead and stared down at me, our proximity close.

I knew what he was thinking. He wanted to lip lock with me. But it's too early. And I'm not quite sure I want too. I don't know what I want.

Pulling away with a polite smile, I waved and made my way past people down the hall.

"-know where she is?"

"No Harry I don't." My eyes came upon the two familiar figures near the side door of the studio. Harry and Control freak.

"Harry!" His head shot over and I saw a visible sigh released from him as he strode over to me. I was taken into his arms eagerly as he inhaled from my neck. A bit creepy but I'll manage.

The tight ass woman stomped over to us, clearly angry that I was with Harry.

"Harry," she pulled him away harshly as I gripped onto his shirt. This bitch ain't always gonna win, "your car is out the front." She looked at me. "Just yours."

Then it clicked. She didn't want me around Harry. It was so obvious now. But she didn't have any associations to Harry; he didn't acknowledge her like a close friend.

She might be a jealous bystander, or something, that wants him for herself. I've come across people like that. Nasty pieces of work they are. Whatever her deal is, I'm not sticking around to find out.

"Ok, well we-"

"No Harry." She took his arm and pulled him away. "The car has arrived upon location for you Harry." Harry scrunched his face up and tugged away from the woman.

"I'm not leaving without Madeline." He took my hand in his and you know what? I didn't mind. Not a bit.

I didn't have to physically show this woman I disliked her. Harry would do it subconsciously. And she can watch us leave hand in hand from the studio.

I didn't need to say anything. Knowing that she knows that Harry cares about me is enough to leave her in her own hell.

"Harry, is there a car out the side?" I whispered as he tightened his hand looking at me.

"I'm not sure Madeline." I nodded and looked down at my phone to be pulled forward. We came through the mass of people leaving which had Harry pull his hand from mine. But it was only to be replaced with the same arm now around my shoulders.

He guided us through the crowd and out the front where no doubt there will be paparazzi.

"Stay close." He mumbled and took his arm away as we stepped out into the cold English weather.

Flashes went off and I lifted my hand but kept my head up. Offering faint smiles to the public and paid photographers as I was guided forward.

Where to I'm not sure, but luckily Harry knew.

"Harry!" Fans cried snapping photos and videoing as a pair of hands touched my sides.

"That car." He mumbled looking at the car at the end. I nodded and made my way forward, people running around the car and flashing photos at us.


"Madeline, are you dating Harry!"


The car door was opened and I stepped into the vehicle to be followed by Harry.

Cameras pushed up on the windows as Harry did something surprising, and wrapped his coat around my head.

The yells and flashes had ceased and I was left in the warm darkness until our car had pulled away.

Catching my breath, I swallowed down and recollected myself. Alright Madeline, recompose yourself.

"Thank you Harry." I whispered and leant up. "Things got a bit hectic back-"

And then he interrupted me.

With his damn lips.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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