14: It ain't real

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[14: It ain't real]


"Ok," I sighed as Harry and I settled into the elevator. I told him that Trish would probably want to fiddle around with his hair and clothes, so he brought them, "Trish will probably ask you if we're dating."

As I said it, Harry raised an eyebrow while trying to suppress a smile.

"So just tell her you've never been more single in your life." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair; the other hand tightening around his bag.

"Ok." He smiled.

"Oh! And say we did nothing last night and that we slept in different beds!" Harry leant back on the railings snd crossed his arms grinning.



"Madeline." Harry cut me off by grabbing my shoulder. "I understand." With a sigh of relief, I nodded only to hear the elevator ding before the door opened.

We stepped through the hall and I knocked on the door, it instantly opening for a widely grinning Trish to answer.

"My baby!" She cooed and pulled me into her arms. Her tactics of embarrassing me never failing. "I missed you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Love you too." I patted her back before she led us in.

"I've picked out a nice outfit for you. It should be lying on your bed."

"Thanks Trish!" I yelled and retreated into my room to see she was right.

Nice tight spandex pants along with lace heels and a white leather long sleeved crop top.

This girl knows her style.

Putting my phone back on charge, I made my way back out to the two in the apartment.


"Oh yeah, got down on my knees and everything." I raised an eyebrow to see the two obviously cheekily gossiping.

Trish looked at me and squealed as I raised an eyebrow.

"You never told me Harry asked you out!" My face dropped as my eyes widened.

"W-what?" I looked over from her bone crushing hug to see him innocently whistling to himself.

What did the bastard say?

"How he asked for a chance with you and then how you both shared a bed! How sweet!" Trish was eating this up.

"N-no! That's not-"

"Come on babe. Don't be shy." Harry smirked as I flipped him off. He withheld his laughs as Trish bounced light on her toes.

"I'll go get your makeup ready!" And with that, it was Harry and I.

"You're a real treat aren't you?" I dryly chuckled as he shrugged, following me to the kitchen.

"I thought it was funny."

"Trish thought it was real," if he wanted to screw around, then so did I, "so well keep it that way... boyfriend."

Taking some chips from the cupboard, I threw a packet at him while I took 3. The waffles were definitely fulfilling, but these chips were so savoury.

"Madeline!" Trish called as I winked and walked past Harry.

"Make yourself at home. I won't be long!" And I proceeded to the bathroom.


"Your hair is so fluffy!" Trish smiled playing with Harry's hair. I chuckled behind my hand and look back into the mirror to check over myself.

Trish sure does know a hell of a lot about makeup and style.

"Thanks." Harry said and met my gaze to wink. I coughed with my finger over my mouth as he chuckled at me.

"So are you going public yet?" Trish asked looking between Harry and I as she began putting product in Harry's hair.

"Oh, uh-"

"Not yet. Wanna see how it works out first."

We've literally known each for just under a week now. Why is Trish eating this up? It's obviously fake.

"Ooh." She nudged my arm as I rolled my eyes and left the room. I need to chat to take my mind off of those two in there.

Me: heyyyyy you up for a chat boi?!

He never takes long with his replies.

Niall: head hurts. Cravings are bad. Call me x

With a smile, I entered into my facetime app before opening it up.

Man... did Niall look like shit.

After the party of course.

"Hey." He croaked, waving from under his blankets.

"Jesus Niall, you look terrible." He chuckled and leant his phone against something as he popped his head up and into view.

"And you look beautiful." I smiled at his cheesy reply. "Why so dressy?"

"Fashion show." I smiled and sat down on the couch.

"Hmm..." he hummed. I looked down at my french nails and smiled at how nicely they looked. "Hey Madeline," Niall caught my attention again, "you left early last night. Why?"

"I don't know. Harry took me from the venue." Niall groaned and rolled on his back while stretching out.

"I was lookin for ya but you left." He let his head flop over so his eyes set on the screen. He was such a goof.

"Madeline!" I groaned and looked back for Harry and Trish to step out. She smiled down at me as Harry bit his lip coming to look over my shoulder.

"Niall?" Harry asked confused as Niall waved. "What are you doing?" I smirked, deciding to be playful.

"Well we were trying to facetime sex but nevermind." Niall laughed to himself and turned so his face was close to the camera.

"Did you like that baby?" He played along.

"Mhmm." I hummed to feel hands on my shoulders.

"We should get going love." Harry whispered, looking at the camera. "Back to my place..."

Now they were both teasing each other.

"Come on you lot!" Trish helped me up as I took her hand and smiled at her help.

"Don't hang up!" Niall whined as I walked around towards the front door.

"Alright, alright." I smiled as Harry took his bag and walked out the door; Trish grabbed my arm and leant up to my ear.

"Harry told me that you both weren't actually dating." I sighed in relief. Came to his senses did he? "But he's a nice boy Madeline, so make sure he sticks around ok?"

I looked back at her as she nods happily.

"I'll try." I smile and give her a final goodbye as Harry, I -and Niall- leave for the fashion show.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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