31: America here we Come

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[31: America here we Come]


I was used to my emails overloading, my comments on my pictures, my likes on my photos, my retweets...

But waking up to a shit ton of text messages is crazy! It's not even 10 o'clock and I have received over 50 messages from people wishing me good luck.

I love it though, and I definitely appreciate it. It's just sometimes I forget that I'm famous and how many friends that actually I have.

Speaking of friends...

"Get your crusty ass out of the car and get in that airport!" Trish kicked my behind as I pulled out my suitcase and dragged my feet into the massive building.

Paparazzi were swamping around today. So they were either here for me, or some kind of god was about to land down in London.

Trish had brought two large suitcases with her today. One full of makeup and hair accessories as the other was filled with clothes and underwear. And trust Brandon to take his own and one of hers.

He really does love Trish. The way they interact and the way he looks at her... makes me salty as fuck sometimes.

We came around to the entrance of the International airport and we're instantly spotted. I smiled at the many cameras that came over, capturing photos of me. I waved at the crowd and looked over to see another mob taking photos of somebody else frantically.

Who was it though? Do I know them? Well of course I'd probably know of them; but on a personal level?

"Madeline!" The scream had caused the second mob to come over, moving with the person still within the whole frantic situation.

But once I saw who it was, I stopped dead in my tracks.

No. Freaking. Way.

He smiled easily at me while pushing sunglasses from his face and chewing at whatever he was chewing.

"Harry! Why are you here?!"

Yeah buddy, I want to know the same thing.

He pulled out a single rose from behind his back and made his way over to me.

"I'll take that." Trish yanked my suitcase and winked as her and Brandon retreated inside.

"H-Harry?" I've stuttered his name one too many times. This boys sure does love to surprise me.

"I knew you were leaving today. Trish said when your flight was," Dammit Trish, "so I wanted to say a last proper goodbye." His hand took mine and pulled us through the crowd and into the airport where we all made our way towards the check in.

"Are you dating Madeline Harry?!"

The pictures taken were loud and I gave a final wave to the paps before coming over to immigration.

Trish and Brandon went through first, checking everything they had and weighing the bags as Harry pulled me into his arms.

I will admit, I was gonna miss this. The cuddles. The affection. All of it.

My hands gripped the back of his shirt as we squeezed the life out of each other. His hand grabbed my hair after stroking it as my feet shuffled between his large ones.

This was nice. But all nice things come to an end.

"Madeline." Looking up, Harry cupped my face and looked over it. I smiled, nodding an ok as I reached up on my tippy toes.

Our lips touched and moved against each softly. But the further we let reality sink in, the rougher the kiss became.

"Madeline!" Trish called as we slowly pulled away to see my friend smile sadly. "We gotta go. The jet will be ready soon."

Nodding, I look back as Harry looked down. Following his gaze, I blinked back to see him take off one of his rings.

"Madeline," he whispered taking my hand.

"Oh no, none of this cliché romantic crap." He laughed lightly and put the ring on my middle finge, before hsnding me the rose. Feels like we're getting married. God...

"I want you to take care of this until we see each other again." He whispered lifting my hand up and kissing over it.

"Really?" He nodded leaning down and kissing my nose. "Why?"

"Because that way you can have apart of me when you're gone. And I'll know that you'll come back to me." Great, I feel the waterworks coming on.

"Madeline!" Giving Harry a quick hard kiss and a slight hair tug, he watched me pull away and stepped over through immigration where everything was checked.

Harry stood watching me, a weak smile prominent on his face as I was given the ok.

Taking my suitcase, I gave Harry one last wave as he blew me a kiss. Giving one back, the three of us finally made our way around the corner and out of sight.

That was it. It was done.


I sat quietly, looking out the window of the plane and down at the soft clouds.

I felt hurt. I don't know why I did but I do. I felt this ache in my chest and I felt so vulnerable; like I was about to burst into tears.

"You ok?" Looking over, Trish slowly sat down beside me as I shrugged. "You're awfully quiet."

"Feel like shit." I mumbled clutching onto my phone. Damn this Flight Mode on my phone. I couldn't even contact the boys for nearly half a day. I've never been restricted of that before and now that I am, I feel like I can't do anything.

"Oh sweetheart..." Trish leant over and swiped her thumb across my cheekbone. I blinked back to feel a thick tear slide down my cheek.

I was crying? I didn't even know.

"You'll see him again." Nodding my head, I leant over and wrapped my arms around Trish for a cuddle. She welcomed me into her arms as I quietly cried on her chest.

This was pathetic. The boys wouldn't be crying over me. But even if it was for a little while, I grew a bond with them. And now it physically hurts me the further away the jet travels.

Trish hums beside my ear as I relaxed into her; letting her calm me as I drifted off into her embrace.

"Oh Madeline," she whispered stroking my hair, "I've think you've finally made your decision."


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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