8: Food saves lives

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[8: Food saves lives]


"-tattoo roulette!"

Oh shit. I thought that when James had mentioned that he wanted to play this game with me, he was joking. But when I saw he was serious and when my agent had been convinced, we found ourselves on a roll.

A nervous roll. But nevertheless a roll.

In front of the couches and a leveled step and away from us was two boxes.

I had come on the show with two other guests tonight; Ed Sheeran -bless his heart- and Meagan Trainer. Both amazing in their own rights.

The two were still situated on the couch, watching me while nervously chuckling behind their hands. They were clever enough to turn this down.

Tonight, I was either going to leave with a tattoo on my arm that said 'late late' or James Gordon was leaving with 'Madeline Rose'. And God I was praying it was him that was unlucky.

I've gotten three tattoos etched into me right now, and I know I can handle getting a fourth. But that won't mean it won't hurt if I get it. And pain, well... hurts!

"Go Madeline." The crowd gave me a supportive clap as I rubbed my hands together.

"Oh Christ," I mumbled earning a few laughs. Looking between both red boxes, I stopped and turned to James. "Do many people get tattoos on this show? Because I'm a bit scared that this is going to turn into a thing."

The two on the couch laughed along with the audience as James shook his head frantically stirring up more hysterics.

"Just a few," he clarified as I turned and reached for a box, "hundred..." My eyes widened as my hands grasped the box.

It was a good thing the audience kept feeding us laughter tonight. It gave the show boosted ratings and it helped me feel that I was somewhat entertaining live.

On the big screen though, I'm more than confident that I do my job right. And if not, then I wouldn't be here.

Taking my box and walking over to a stand, James whined about which box to choose from -though there was only one-  before joining me.

We both looked at each other and I cracked a smile before gesturing to his box. "You first."

"Why me?"

"Because that's what you get for creating the game you pick." Laughter roared and I smiled, happy with my comeback.

"Ok, ok. How about we go together?" I raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"You're not gonna weave your way out of this one mate!" Ed called as I laughed along with others at his call.

"I can try!" James responded before looking back at me. "If we go at the same time, we'll built like a - a suspense!" He snapped his fingers eagerly as I sighed and leant on the box while poking a hip out.

"So you're trying to play down the fact that if we go at the same time, one of us will cry and the other will laugh because one of us is getting a freaking tattoo tonight." Hysterics started. "And I know you are hoping it's me."

He shrugged caught out as I looked at the other two shaking my head. Meagan laughed and Ed gave me a thumbs up even though that wouldn't prevent the inevitable destiny for one of us tonight.

"Alright," I complied as James jumped in excitement, "but only because I want to laugh at you."

Looking at the audience and down at the rose tattoo on my left arm, I sighed and bit my lip.

"One three."

"You say three but you'll go at two or something."

"Will not!"

"Will too!"

We bantered as I shut him up and unlocked my box.

Well... here goes nothing.


"Does it hurt?" Trish pointed at the inside of my right elbow as I slapped her hand out.

"You think?!" She chuckled and patted my head as I looked down at my swelling skin.

'late late'

The bastard. I can't believe I lost tattoo roulette. Now I had an additional tattoo to my growing collection. Before I know it, I'll be littered in inked skin.

My phone buzzed.

"Sounds like lover boy." Trish winked as I opened my twitter.

"Which one?" I joked as she smiled cheekily before returning to her phone.

@HarryStyles: heard you got a tattoo tonight. must be painful :(

@_MaddyLane_: I did !! But I guess it kinda makes me badass though ;)

My phone vibrated in my hand saying I had an Instagram notification.

Niall: heyyy ;)

Great, now I got two boys to chat to. Though I guess it kind of is exhilarating and funny at the same time.

Me: hey Niall :)

Harry replied.

@HarryStyles: I got one saying late late as well. does that mean I'm badass?

@_MaddyLane_: totally ;) x

The car began to slow down and I looked over to see we had pulled through a McDonald's hungry jacks.

"Mhmm, calories." I joked as Trish laughed and leant forward.

"I'll order while you talk to your boyfriend." This chick will never let it down until I date someone else. Or maybe even then she won't.

Niall: whadaya up to babe??

Me: just getting McD's :"")

Niall: I love how healthy you are xx

Me: hey! I'm buying a bag of apples !! >;)

But I'm really not. Have you tasted those things? It's like inhaling plastic.

@HarryStyles: you going to the London Victoria Secret show comin up??

@_MaddyLane_: no? Didn't know it was on. :o

@HarryStyles: would you like to? :)

Holy shit. I think I died a little. Half of my heart has been ripped out.

Niall: do you have a facetime?? I wanna chat. Being cooped up in a hotel is boring as fuck !! ;)

And there goes the other half of my heart.

"Madeline, got you your two cheeseburger meals."

Oh look. My heart came back. Food really is magical.

"Ice cre-"

"Of course." She smiled putting the container between us and sipped at her drink. Biting my lip, I smirked and picked out some chips.

"Hey Trish?" She hummed looking up at me as I turned the back light on for more coverage.

"You up for a Skype call?"


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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