7: Fluffy Words

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[7: Fluffy Words]


"Are you ready?"

Trish sighed over at me as she pulled down her pyjama singlet to cover her torso.

"Do I really have no choice in this?"

"Nah." I winked as I faced the camera lense towards us.

"I mean, this is our dignity, reputation and self respect on the line." Turning on the television and searching through to the channel I recorded, I snatched the button on the phone for us to begin recording.

"We lost it ages ago."

Anaconda began to play and I smirked as she covered her face before proceeding her position.

"My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!"

It was then I began to lip sink with Nicki as Trish did small hips sways in her spot.

The chorused just about started and we both squatted as far out as we could snd perked our booties in the air.

"God help me." She breathed with a smile as we began twerking as ridiculously as we could.

Our fans will love it. The crew will bust their asses laughing and it's not like other people's negativity gets to me. Haters gonna hate and there's nothing I can do to change their mind.

The second verse came around and Trish purposely collapsed to the floor as I laughed at the camera while turning off record.

"My life is ruined." She huffed and put her arm over her face.

"Worh it." I winked watching through the whole video and posting it to my twitter account.


Hey @TrishTheStylist you look amazing :')

Posting the video with the tag and caption, I smiled as I saw the video now notified to my followers.

"Hey look!" Trish's voice had my head turn up to see One Direction on television.

"They're famous Trish. What do you expect?" She poked out her tongue and reached for her phone on the couch as I stood up. "What are you hungry for?"

She shrugged throwing me a glance before pulling the phone to her ear.

"Hey baby," Ugh... she was talking to her boyfriend.

Nice guy and all. But I'm not down for public affection from the two. Couples gross me out with all their lovey crap.

Maybe because being single and being a cranky shit is why I look at it that way. Eh, we'll never know.

Pulling out pizza from the freezer, I took out the plastic wrapped food and read over the instructions.

My phone buzzed as I casually reached for it while setting the oven to 180 degrees.

Then flickering my eyes down to my phone, I saw a notification in my inbox. But who it was by surprised me.

@HarryStyles: nice video :) H.

Harry Styles watched my video and then messaged me personally. Shit. When I was a teenager, I only dreamt of this. And meeting Tom Hiddleston. Now look where I am. It's crazy.

@_MaddyLane_: thanks Harry :) x

Putting my phone on the kitchen bench, my focus then came back onto the pizza. A smile prominent on my face as I had personally spoke to Harry without being face to face.

How cool is that?


It was nearing 10 o'clock and I knew I had to get up at 7 tomorrow morning for a hectic day. But here I am watching Iron Man and texting Harry Styles.

He was pretty cute and awkward while texting. It wasn't that he couldn't keep a conversation but it was nore of the fact that he hadn't thrown in smiley faces and rarely used emojis which made it kinda awkward.

@HarryStyles: have an appearance on alan carr tomorrow. you'll watch right?? :)

@_MaddyLane_: what time? I have an interview tomorrow with James Gorden. What I signed up for is crazy :')

@HarryStyles: oh tell me :)) and im not sure :(

@_MaddyLane_: you'll have to watch it to find out ;)

"Madeline," Trish caught my attention as I looked up from my double bed, "our video has nearly a quarter of a million retweets." I shrugged suppressing a smile.

"Fame sucks babe." She pouted snd dragged her feet over before face planting on the bed. "So I heard you talking to Brandon," she perked up at her boyfriends name, "when's he coming?"

Knowing Trish, Brandon will call her up every now and then so he can arrange a time to come and spend time with her. That boy is crazy in love with Trish and I have no doubt that she'll pop a junior out soon. She's nearly thirty; hers time will run out sooner or later.

"About a week." She shrugged biting her lip. "He'll stay in the hotels with us. Is that ok?" They've done it before and plus, he's harmless.

"Course." I smiled as my phone buzzed.

@HarryStyles: are you trying to blackmail me with curiosity ?? :o

@_MaddyLane_: no. ;) because I know the curiosity will eat at you so you'll watch it anyway. X

@HarryStyles: smart aaand cute :')

"You talking to Niall again?" Trish teased laying next to me.

"No this time," I joked as she propped on an elbow and put her leg over my lap, "just Harry."

"Just Harry. As in just Harry Styles. You're just talking to Harry freaking Styles?" Ok, I might have downplayed it a bit.

"Yes Trish. I'm just talking to Harry Styles." I teased as she looked over my shoulder to glance at my conversation.

"Did he call you cute?" She peered closer to my phone as I sat up and typed away.

"It's harmless Trish. Trust me, fluffy words mean nothing."

@_MaddyLane_: gtg need sleep for early wake up :) byyyyyye x

"You're pulling in half of one direction and acting as if it's not a big deal?"

"I'm not pulling them in; I'm chatting to celebraties in a normal matter." Trish stood up to her feet, but not before grabbing one of my pillows and throwing it at my head.

"Not everybody texts smiley faces and kisses."

"We do." I winked as she rolled her eyes before chuckling to herself.

"Touché." She waved and left the room as I set my many alarms on my phone.

Hmm... I wonder if he replied.

Eh, it's not really that important. I'll talk to him again.

Hopefully. If he gets his ass on social media more often.


Just another message about the username :) if it is in use and I have used it, just know that I made it up on the spot. So the clarification of using another's identity without is clear.

Hope you liked it ;) a bit boring I know, but it'll pick up.

- Nicole xxx

Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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