37: I missed Ireland

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[37: I missed Ireland]


My heart would pound before and after I had run a short race. My heart would pound as I waited before my audition and during my performance.

And now I'm here, touching down in Ireland and my heart is pounding.

A large smile has been stained on my face since the moment the captain had announced us to buckle in our seatbelts.

The plane touched down on the runway and I looked out from my window seat, admiring Ireland. This place was amazing -the accents were pretty gorgeous as well-. I couldn't help but want to speak it fluently while I was here.

Everything just made me feel on top of the world today.

The intercom had come on as the air hostess thanked us for flying with their plane and hoped to see us soon. She also spoke about how we would all exit the plane and what procedures to go through.

As we slowed down, my leg bounced excitedly in my seat as the plane eventually pulled up to the gateway we would get off.

Everything sat still for a short while as people slowly got up. I sat impatiently in my seat while an old couple in front of me took their time.

I was eager to get off; to see the boys and explore Ireland for a few days. But I'm not going to be rude towards anyone else. Especially people that can't physically move any faster.

The time finally came and I thanked the staff for the long flight before making my way up the terminal.

Stepping into the large space, I walked a fast pace past people and towards the luggage pick up area.

This definitely wasn't my first time coming to Ireland and it seems the more I came, the better it got.

The accent was thrown around me like a baseball team throwing their ball around to warm up. It was incredible.

My feet took me to the area and I turned off my Flight Mode before waiting for my suitcase.

Many similar cases to mine came through and even one that I thought was mine. They must have put it on very last just for shits and gigs.

My phone then buzzed nonstop as I had to hide it away in my sweats. It didn't stop though. So I either had a lot of people greeting me to Ireland or
1 person was excited as hell.

"Yes!" I whispered and pulled my suitcase into my hold before pulling it along.

"Oh my god."

"Is that Madeline Rose?"

"Get my camera!"

The people began to recognise me as I made my way out to the main level. The signs said that the second level was pickup, and having no other way to go... this had to be it.

There was a crowd outside waiting for all arrivals from flights. So I instantly put my sunglasses on that hung from my shirt and made a turn around the crowd.

It seems people were fast to pick up on celebrities here but kind enough to give them space. I liked that.

But hitting the outside was a completely different ordeal.

There was paparazzi; there always was. Somebody must of given them the heads up I was here. Or somebody else with a high status was here. There should have been.

Dialling Harry's number, I pulled it up to my ear as I smiled politely at the men that took photos. Lots and lots of photos.

"Hello? Madeline?"

"Harry, where are you?"

"I'm outside baby girl. Near the end of the pickup area."

"Ok. I'm on my way." Hanging up, I put my phone away and pulled my suitcase with me as I walked up the path, people swirling all around me.

But they didn't seem to bother me. These people needed jobs to support their budget and who was I to stop them? My agent said that if I wanted to be fresh in people's minds then I would constantly need to be in the media.

For good things of course.

None of this drugs and drunk partying crap.

"MADELINE!" The voice I wanted to hear yelled as I looked up to see Harry come around from the car. His smile was wide and his strides were long.

I felt myself tear up at seeing the boy in the flesh as I paced forward. Security surrounded both of us as he yanked me into his arms frantically.

"Holy shit." He muttered into my neck as I wrapped both arms around his torso. His biceps tightened around my head as he leant up to kiss my forehead. "Come on." He whispered eagerly while taking my suitcase and pulling us forward.

Paparazzi slammed us with questions and photos as Harry gave the suitcase to a security guard. He guided me into the car as I slipped in, him eagerly following.

The car door was shut and the boot of the car slammed before we began moving. I looked over at Harry for him to cup my face and connect our lips instantly.

I smiled and ran my fingers into his hair as he tugged me, literally, onto his lap.

I didn't realise how much I needed this. The touch, the kisses, the affection. No wonder Trish and Brandon had sex all the time.

"Harry," I whispered against his lips, "missed you." Was the only thing I could manage out.

"You're here," he panted lifting his face up to kiss my nose and cheeks, "that's all that matters." I smiled and giggled at his touch as he encouraged my face to his neck.

We sat quietly with each other, his arms wrapped tightly around me as his thumbs caressed me through my jersey.

I pecked his neck a few times and ran my nose up to his ear. He visibly shivered and mumbled that he missed me as he kissed my hairline.

"Where are we going?" I asked, leaning back and sliding into my seat. His hand grabbed onto my thigh as he leant down kissing my cheek.

"We're going the a studio. The boys have been asking about you."

Oh. Well that builds my confidence a bit.


Copyrighted 2016. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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