46: Change of Flights

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[46: Change of Flights]


It had now reached the 24th of December, and the boys were beginning to fly out for Christmas. Louis said he was going to America to celebrate Christmas. But that boy hadn't got far today without everybody he knew giving him a massive happy birthday.

I even went out with Harry and we both bought him gifts. He was Harry's friend I was going to appreciate the friendship we grew over the past couple of days.

Liam said he was -as well as Harry- flying out to England. He was going to go back to his family and the boys were going to rest for a few days before new year.

Harry pleaded me to come with him back to England; just until tomorrow where I could fly out again. But the time frame differences are big and I didn't want to be late if I was going to surprise my family.

So I had to let him down easy with that one.

Niall however... Niall left for Australia. He left a day early thankfully so I wouldn't have to catch a flight with him.

It had been pretty awkward for us. Every time he had come near me, Harry would jump in and warn him to stay away. Niall wasn't up the for the battle, so he complied. And just gave me the silent treatment.

Which I will admit, hurt like a bitch. But I'm not going to beat myself up over something he fucked up. Him sleeping with another woman while trying to impress me is low. But I don't care. I mean I do, but I'm trying my hardest not to.

"Madeline!" A finger clicked in my face and I zoned back in to see Harry raising an eyebrow at me. "You ok baby?" I blinked back before nodding.

"Sorry, just had a mind blank." With a glance over my face, he nodded. His arm reached around my shoulders and he pulled me into his chest.

My eyes closed as I inhaled his shirt, getting as much cologne as I could before we parted ways.

"Here we are." Liam's voice had us pull apart to rake in breakfast. I smiled and thanked Liam, promising to buy him lunch in return. He just playfully rolled his eyes and waved me off.

Mhmm... bacon, cheese and egg toastie.

"When's your flight due in?" I asked as we sat ourselves at a table.

"Two hours I think." Liam shrugged as I yawned.

"Goddamn... six o'clock is early." I bit into my food while sinking back in my chair.

"You think six is early? Trying getting up at five for six months straight." My eyebrow perked at Harry's words.

"Try getting up at four for three months." Liam oohed in a teasing manner as I nudged Harry's side.

My phone than began to blare as I took it out.

Trish? That's a bit strange. Maybe she's wishing me a good flight?

"I'll be back." I stood up from the table, leaving my holy grail of a toastie, and bringing my phone to my ear. "Hello?"

Everything was quiet on the other side. That was definitely weird. Trish would normally bombard me with her beautiful voice.

But then I heard a sniffle and my eyes narrowed as I walked along the airport level.

"Trish? Is everything alright?" Quiet cries were heard as my insides fell into my stomach. Did something happen? Was she ok?

"H-he left..." She choked out.

"Who left Trish? What's going on?"

"B-Brandon." Oh shit. Did something happen between those two? Because if he hurt her in any way than I would kick him in the fucking balls. No questions asked. "C-come here. P-please."

I had seen my family earlier this year. And they should understand that something urgent has come up. My friend is having a meltdown and I need to get to her.

"Where are you?"

"E-England." Oh that's right. The two flew off to England to celebrate Christmas. But obviously that went down the drain.

"Alright, I'll come to England. Just text me the address soon ok? So I can get to you quicker."

"I-I'll pick you u-up from the a-air-"

She cut herself off in sobs as I tried to soothe her. My eyes pricked with tears as I listened to my distraught friend.

I hated hearing her like this. Whatever happened must have been big. Especially with Brandon.

"You know what? I'll go change the flight right now to the next England one I can book. We'll celebrate Christmas together hey? Just you and me."

Trish mumbled out through her cries how she missed me and needed me. She muttered an explanation that she would wait for me outside the airport in England.

"I'll call you back ok. Give me thirty minutes Trish." I paced back to the table.


"Don't do anything stupid ok? Just wait for me to call." Coming back to the table, I saw Harry and Liam laughing together at something.

"I'm not a-an idiot Madeline." I smiled at the natural sass of my friend as Harry looked up.

"No you're not. You're my idiot. I'll see you soon." We our goodbyes and hung up as I then picked up my damn suitcase and toastie.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked as I glanced up at a sign reading the levels.

"To change my flight." With that, I turned and made my way towards the escalators as I brought my hand to dial my agents number.

"W-wait!" I looked back as Harry stumbled up the escalator to me. "What do you mean change your flight?" Liam wasn't far behind.

"Something urgent came up. Harry, Trish is having a meltdown." I explained looking back at my phone as I walked up to the next escalator.

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. Something about that boyfriend of hers." I cringed at the thought of him. "So I'm changing my Australian flight back to an England flight."

"England? You're going to England now?"

"Madeline's going to England?" Liam butted in.

"I have to. And I need to cancel my flight and somehow get a new one." Finally coming to the top floor, I bit my lip and waited near the corner of the automatic opening doors.

"Come with us." Harry said, grabbing my elbow. "We have a jet. Come with us." I looked back at his pleading eyes.

"I can't just get on Harry."

"And why not?" He was like a child sometimes, I swear.

"Because the captain takes weights and signs clipboards. He can't just add another passenger because it's not legally documented." Liam looked over at Harry as I brought my phone to my ear.

Harry grabbed my wrist and I looked at him to share an intense stare down.

"Then we will make it legally documented."

God. He sounded so forward, so determined.

"Hello?" My agent picked up the phone. "Madeline, how can I help you?" Harry nodded as I cleared my throat.

"I-I need help with a plane problem."


Only a few chapters left. Are you guys excited?!?! :)))

- Nicole xxx


Copyrighted 2016. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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