27: Tell me who Woman!

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[27: Tell me who Woman!]


Being an only child, I thought I could count myself lucky to miss all of the fights and banters from other siblings. But apparently not...

"Not it's not."

"It so is."

"Niall, shut up. This isn't a date."

"But we're out together. And we're getting coffee together. Doesn't that sound like a date?"

"The only date I will be having is the sweet." Niall sighed as I smiled triumphantly at the Irishmen.

"You're hard to please Miss Rose." I flicked my ponytail playfully.

"Nobody said working for me was easy." Niall opened the coffee shop door and gestured to enter.

"After you babe." Giving a sympathetic pat on his face, we stepped into the heated shop that luckily had barely anybody inside. My eyes immediately eyed off the sweets as I bent down before the glass cabinet. "What do you want? I'll buy you anything you want."

Standing up straight, I felt Niall's chest brush against my shoulder.

"What are you getting?" Niall shrugged as he looked at the menu's above the counter.

"I don't know." Niall leant his body towards me as his hand sneakily grazed my side.

"You're such a little sneak." I whispered pushing his hand away. He just smiled, never looking away from the menu's as his hand took hold of mine.

"Oh look," he slowly tore his gaze, "we're holding hands."

"Nice observation." Niall chuckled and pushed his fingers through mine as he gripped securely on our hold. "Niall."

I whined as he stepped forward to the counter.

"Hi." A lady stood behind it.

"Hello, um can I grab a large latte and the lady will have..." Niall tugged me closer so our sides touched; my right hand still awkwardly trying to let go of his.

"Can I have a medium sized mocha?"

"And two chocolate muffins thanks." I surmise they're both for me.

I chuckled at my lame ass joke.

Niall paid for the order with his card as I tried to casually step away from him. I didn't want to worker to think that I didn't like being around him because I did. The sneaky bastard just had right timing at the wrong place.

"It won't be long."

"Thank you." Niall pulled me with him to the pickup bench as he spun me in his hold. What the hell?

His arms wrapped around my waist as I tried to catch my stability. He chuckled into my neck as he swung us side to side.

"Niall." I pushed him away but stopped when the same worker glanced over at us. I offered a smile to her as Niall tightened his hold. "You're a bastard Niall."

He laughed.

"You'll get used to me darlin."

Damn this was awkward. Why does it feel like Niall has the upper hand? Became he does idiot. Hmm... true.

"So when are you leaving?" Niall asked as he stilled our bodies.

"Two days." 48 hours and I'm on a plane. Crazy to think huh? "Trish decided to move the party to today instead of tomorrow so I'm hoping I won't be hungover on my flight."

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