21: The True Emotions

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[21: The True Emotions]


"So," Trish started as I look up from my food, "what's this script idea of yours?"

"Yeah, come on. Spill." Brandon nudged as well as I shrugged.

"Haven't thought of one yet."

"Really?" Harry asked, next to me at our table. "Because it seemed like you did."

"Nah, I just get relaxed and cheeky in interviews."

"And at hotels." Trish piped in as I threw a fry at her.

"Well, make sure to tell us when you get an idea." Brandon said sipping his drink.

"Sure thing captain America." I saluted his American accent as he chuckled and put an arm over Trish's shoulders.

"So Trish, you told Harry when we're leaving?"

"You're leaving?" Harry looked over surprised as I shrugged.

"You are as well, it's just I'm leaving earlier." He pouted.


"Just under a week."

"Where to?"

"The States."

"America? You're going to America?"

"The finest country on the globe." Brandon added as he swiped his palm across the air. Trish nudged him as I started at my ice cream. Harry sighed and played with his straw as I nudged his side to try and enlighten the mood.

"Why so glum? You gonna miss me?" Harry looked over and shrugged.

"Maybe." Ok, although that reaction was cute, it wasn't answer I was expecting.

"Well... I'll miss you too if it helps." His eyes softened as I took a spoonful of sweetness into my mouth. I could feel the diabetes trying to crawl into my life from this fine ass food.

"Good. You'll miss me the most right?" He playfully nudged as I chuckled.

"Course. Who else would I miss more?" His face fell slightly.


The table became silent.

"We need to use the bathroom. We'll be back!" Trish breathed her quick sentence and dragged Brandon away to the bathrooms.

"No sex!" I yelled without a care.

"No promises!" She retorted with the same tone. Looking back at Harry, he had slouched back into his chair.

"What do you mean Niall?" I referred to what he had said before as he huffed out. It sounded more annoyed than anything.

"You have a thing for him don't you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"A thing? Like a crush?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you want to call it." My eyebrows furrowed.

"I mean, you know, he's nice?"

"So you do want to date him then?" Why was Harry all defensive all of a sudden?

"I never said that."

"Well it sure looked like it when I caught you two on the couch!"

My eyes softened to one of hurt as I looked down at my half eaten cup of cold sweetness. I didn't like it when he yelled at me. It made me feel like shit.

"It's not going to happen. And it never will. Be real here Harry." My cold tone had him back off a bit.


"No. You know what Harry? I'm going to miss you. Both of you equally ok? You're my friends. Ones that I'm getting to know better day by day." I wanted to be strong and look at him in the eyes, but I didn't have the courage right now. "Let's just say I date Niall. Then what? Be thrown away like trash months later? No. I'm not like that. I have too much self respect for that."

I picked up my ice cream and stood up with my phone; finally growing a pair and looking at Harry. He looked regretful. He shouldn't. I didn't want him too.

"I'd be dreaming if Niall took a liking-an actual liking to me. Or even you for that matter. You're both nice and perfect and have everything. And I-"

I choked up as Harry came to his feet.

"I can only wish for that."

With a turn on my heel, I slipped out of the fast food restaurant and back towards the car.

"Madeline wait! Come on!"

Harry took my wrist and pulled me to a stop as I opened the car door.

"I-I didn't mean to make you upset. I just..." he ran a hand through his hair. "I just let my emotions get the best of me ok. I thought you liked Niall."

"I don't. I can't." His hard stare lifted up to me.

"Why?" He asked as I blinked back. "Why can't you date him? Or me? Why can you only wish for people like us?" I bit my lip pulling away. "Madeline please. Please answer."

"Ok!" I snapped. "Because you're Harry Styles and he's Niall Horan! And I'm just some loser that can only read fanfiction when I'm lonely and pretend that, when my pillow cuddles me from behind, that it's somebody that loves me! Sometimes I feel like a nobody! Like I get in people's way and I-I'm s-so-or-"

I choked out cries at the end and Harry pulled me into his arms. I sobbed into his shirt as he stroked my hair and held me close against him.

The skin on his chest touched my face from the undone buttons of his shirt.

"Don't think that. Don't ever think that you don't mean anything. You mean everything to a lot of people and you mean a lot to me." Clutching onto the back of his shirt, he tightened his arms as he we stood.

I forced my cries to quieten as I hiccuped into Harry's chest. The chest millions of girls want to be embraced by.

Why should I be in it? What specialty do I have?

"You're ok."

"Madeline!" I heard Trish and pushed away from Harry. He caught a few of my tears with this thumbs as I choked out a few dry laughs at how shitty I must have looked.

"Sorry to be a bother." Looking up at his gaze with my sad one, his frown deepened as he shook his head.

"What's going on-Madeline!" Trish pulled me into a hug as I sniffled, lightly breathing weak laughs.

"C-can we go back to our hotel? I'm tired Trish." She nodded as I rubbed my eye with my palm; completely screwing up my makeup.

"Course." She agreed and hurried me into the car.

"Madeline!" Harry prevented the door from shutting as he held it. "Can we meet tomorrow? I wanna see you." Biting my lip, I nodded at him as Brandon slid into the seats across from Trish beside me. "I'll message you."

"Ok." I breathed as he hesitantly stepped back while Brandon shut the door.

"Tell me everything that happened." Trish took my hands while the car began to move.

This'll be a long car trip.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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