5: He's a Bachelor

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[5: He's a Bachelor]


We found ourselves in our second ad break as Liam yet again praised me for my various accents I had just demonstrated. The boys were off to sing a new-new single of theirs while I sat back with Graham.

The audience has been so friendly and laid back. The boys have been welcoming to talk to as well, especially Niall with his little comments every now and then. I think out of all the boys, we probably have a stronger friendship.

Harry probably doesn't use social media as much as Niall and I do do naturally it was easier to talk to the Irishmen.

"Welcome back!" Graham snapped me out of my thoughts as I glanced at him before looking across the room to the boys. They were under a dim light yet I could still see them somewhat.

Especially Niall waving to me like a mad man.

Returning the gesture, Graham called me out on it making the audience laugh at my embarrassment. It's all good though. Just for shits and giggles right?

"-One Direction!" The crowd applauded loudly for the boys as their light heightened so we could see them clearly. I sat back into the couch and listened to their soft melodies begin to their song.

It was nice. I had heard this song once or twice and it was very relaxing. Until Harry's and Liam's shared high note at the end.

Every time Niall glanced over, I'd pull a stupid face just to put him off. He'd chuckle away behind his microphone when it wasn't his solo as I smiled at the doofus.

The chorus had come around a second time and my eyes lazily trailed over the boys and their moment in bliss.

But when my eyes landed on Harreh Stiles -a joke we made during the show tonight- his were already trained on me. Jesus, I knew that boy had an intense stare, but when it was directed at me... god.

My toes tingled in their heels as he swayed to the beat, his eyes staring into mine. I offered a playful wink at him and he snuck a small smile at me before winking back.

The camera zoomed in on his face as I looked over at Graham that smiled at me then back to the boys.

Their song was nearing an end, and the high notes everyone had been waiting for came to. And Christ were they good. Harry belted out as hard as he could and Liam harmonised to his pitch.

Everyone screamed in adenaline before the song had come to an end.

Graham was up on his feet, giving me a touch on the shoulder as acknowledgement before making his way over to the boys. I leant on the back of the couch and looked up at the bright lights above me.

The voices of Graham and the boys sounded out as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

This is what I'm here for. To have an exciting life. Being on television and doing something I can't go a day without thinking about... it's perfect.

Perfectly imperfect.

"One Direction and Madeline Johnston everyone!" I sat up and waved as the lights dimmed and the audience continued to roar.


Coming back into my dressing room, I had an applause immediately from my team. "Thanks guys!" I waved and did a teasing bow before Trish approached me.

A smirk under that smile of hers.

"Good job." She complimented as I took my heels off and replaced them with the flats she held in her hand. A stylist cane over and took the heels; me thanking her very much as she did so.

You need to use manners and appreciation in this industry or people won't want to work with you. And for me to have worked hard for everything I wanted and have people surrounding me now that are helping me... I'm more than grateful.

"So," Trish started as I came over to the dressing room and took my phone along with my purse, "you have a thing for One Direction huh?"

I raised an eyebrow as I looked back at my now blantly smirking friend now.

"I've always been a fan so I guess so." I shrugged, not sure what she was implying.

"Sorry, did I say One Direction? What I meant was Niall Horan." My eyes widened as she chuckled at me.

Niall is a nice boy. An absolute fantastic guy to hang around as a friend, but I've watched him in the media over the years. I know what I'm looking at.

He wants the bachelor life and I want commitment. Probably why I haven't had a boyfriend since forever.

"No way." I shook my head. "You misinterpreted."

"Oh I don't think I did." She always loved to tease me when it came to my love life. Seeing as she had one, she wanted to watch mine blossom. Not that it was going to any time soon. Not while my career was going so well. "Everybody saw the way you reacted to each other."

"What? With smiles?" She leant on my dressing room mirrored counter as I pulled on my big grey baggy jumper. Zipping the front up halfway across my bust, I turned to face the exit.

"You can't lie to me-"

A knock came on the door as a head popped in. The very face we were just bantering about.

Niall looked over the room to see everybody moving around constantly before his eyes set on me. He smiled cheekily and slipped into the room, motioning someone to follow him.

"Talking about prince charming." I elbows Trish's side as Niall and Liam slipped past everybody and over towards me.

"Hey!" He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "Great show tonight." I separated the embrace not too long after for Liam to take me in a hug.

See Trish? Not just Niall gets welcoming treatment. Rolling my eyes at myself and my stupid thoughts, I smiled leaning back at the boys.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Niall shrugged snd scratched the back of his neck as Liam glanced around.

"Came to see you of course." Trish pinched my lower back as I instantly flinched away from her.

"Harry!" Liam yelled and we looked over at the lean boy to step into the room. He excused himself through the mess of people and joined the chat group.

"Hello." He smiled, putting his hands behind his back and looking at each of us.

Trish stepped up beside me and pushed hair from my shoulder. She was putting me on edge and waiting for me to embarrass myself. I was probably going to do it anyway with or without her helping out.

"So," Niall took back my attention and waved his phone in his palm, "backstage selfie?"


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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