4: No sex for Me

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[4: No sex for Me]


On the Thursday afternoon, I had arrived to Grahams studio an hour before show time. We shared friendly greeting kisses as well as a long chat about how we were.

My hair was going for the Arianna Grande looked, half up and half down, while Trish was told to give me a nude makeup look.

The darkest thing I had on my face had to be my eyeliner. Liquid eyeliner. Boy does she love putting that stuff on me.

The show was set to air in ten minutes and I ran my hands over my outfit.

It was a nice simple look for me. Not to girly yet feminine enough.

Black designer skinny jeans with a dark sleeveless crop top. And black bloody heels. Goodbye comfort and hello beauty.

Because we all know that beauty is pain.

A message popped up again as I smiled.

Niall: so nervous :o xxx we're here are you here?

Niall and I had chatted a few times up to this point. He was always using his winky faces or x's a bit to much; but as a guy that talk to a lot of girls, it's probably natural.

Me: I'm here :) done up and ready to roll !!

A studio worker then stepped in and turned on the dressing room television before stepping over to my team. He said that I was to make an appearance after the first ad break. One Direction were going on first to chat about their album before I came on about my recent movie.

"Nervous?" Trish came over as I sighed shrugging.

"I guess I am a bit. But it's the same protocol right?" She smiled and pulled out her phone before holding out the camera. Laughing at my friend, I posed for her picture and watched her smile through the mirror.

"You look stunning," she smiled and leant back down, "but only because of me."

"Oh, well thanks. I'm not naturally pretty or anything." She laughed and turned making her way to the dressing room couch as I smiled pulling out my phone again. Trish was insanely talented when it came to the beauty industry; I'm lucky enough to have her as my artist.

Niall: we're about to go on !! Shiiit oh and harry says hello :)

I chuckled and got to my feet before joining Trish.

Me: heeeeeeellllooooo from the other siiiiiiidddddeeee :') xx

I really need to take repeat off Adele every once in a while.

Niall: I must of called a thousaaand tiiiiiiiiimmmmes !! See you soon babe xx

That's where our conversation ended and the show began.


Standing on the side of the stage, I had people fumbling around with the microphone attached to my shirt. It's actually really cold in here. Can somebody turn down the air con?

Or turn it up because I'm so hot.

I gagged to myself at my terrible, I'm stuck between pickup line and joke - joke. Maybe Trish was right; I probably do have sense of humour of an old man.

Grahams voice welcomed the audio back from the ad break and my heart thumped a million times in my chest.

A producer came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder as he spoke to somebody through his headpiece.

"Alright Miss Johnston," he turned to me as my whole body flushed with tingles, "you're on in three, two-"

"Please welcome Madeline Johnston!" The crowd went crazy in cheers as I began my way out from the curtain. The applause became louder as the studio light hit me.

I waved at the crowd yet watched where I was carefully stepping in these heels. Graham was coming down to me and we met halfway for a tight embrace.

"Look at you!" He gushed as I put a hand under my chin and pulled duck lips. "Stunningly gorgeous!" Taking my hand, he led us over to the couch area where four familiar boys sat.

On the end was Niall, and he was the first to give me a big grin.

"Hello." He smiled and pulled me in for a hug, unknowingly pulling my hair as well.

Just take the pain with the pleasure Madeline. Don't say anything.

Next to him was his band mate Louis which I hadn't met yet. God I feel so intimidated by these men. Maybe it's because I'm young and easily get starstruck.

"Hello love." We exchanged a quick hug, not really knowing each other to well. Beside him was Harry and a dimply grin took on his features.

He was tall, even when I was in heels. So I had to stretched on my tip toes to give him a decent amount of a hug.

"I didn't know you liked Adele." Oh Lord. Niall's obviously not one to have a quiet mouth.

"Obsessed." I laughed and came to Liam next. They all smelt amazing in their own ways. I wondered if I smelt appealing to the people I met.


Sitting down, the audience slowly quieted themselves as I relaxed back into the couch.

Goodbye good girl persona and hello relaxed, single and boyish Madeline.

"Madeline, it's so good to have you here." Graham smiled as I pushed hair behind my ear.

"The pleasures all mine Graham." Liam's side brushed against mine and I looked over to see him smile at me. "Are we too close?" I whispered as he laughed shaking his head. "Well too bad cause I need my uh," I cleared my throat and moved to give us more space before spreading my legs in a playful gesture, "ball space."

"Ball space?" He chuckled as I nudged his side playfully. "I thought it was just me." We shared a grin.

"Now, how are you?" Graham took my attention again as I looked over at the host, my friend and the one I fondly watched on TV.

"I'm amazing. Bit tired and a bit warn out but other than that, I'm doing great!" I chirped.

"Tired?" He asked and slowly turned away in his seat. "What have you been doing?" The audience laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Not having sex for one." My blunt reaction stirred even louder laughter. "I mean come on Graham, it's me."

"I'm not sure if that's a bad thing." He chuckled looking at his palm cards.

"Well we're about to find aren't we?"



We looked at each other with suppressed smiles as the audience fed us more positive feedback.

"I think she's hinting something." Niall chipped in wiggling his eyebrows.

"M-moving on!" Graham stuttered purposely as we settled in for the rest of the night.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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