18: Dirty little Leprechaun

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[18: Dirty little Leprechaun]


I was awoken to the loud blaring of my phone, a groan emitting my lips.

Reaching from under the covers, I pulled the phone into my hold and accepted the damn call. "Hello?"

"Madeline!" Trish's loud voice blared through the speaker as I winced back. "Why are you at Harry's?!"

"Christ, calm down." I sat up, seeing my legs sticking out from the blankets and sighed rubbing my eyes. "I'll be back later."

"You didn't answer my question!" I groaned and tried to stand up only to find myself too tired.

"Because you were having wild sex when I called you last night. Don't exactly want to come home to that do I?" The other side went silent as I turned and face planted back onto the mattress.

"Well, alright then." She mumbled as I smiled at her embarrassment. "Text me when you're heading back though. You have an interview tonight."

"With who?"

"Chatty man. He's pretty eager to see you." I smiled at the thought of seeing Alan again.

"Alright. I'll text you soon. Bye Trish. Horny bitch..." I teased and hung up the phone.


"Madeli-whoa." Looking over, I saw Niall burst through my door with wide eyes.

"Heard of knocking leprechaun?" He gulped down and bluntly stared at my ass. Pervert. "What is it?" I asked sitting up on my thighs and stretching.

"B-breakfast." He choked out as I stood pulling my shirt over my thighs.

"Alright, I'll be there soon. Now get out!" I threw a pillow at him as he ran out of the room; the pillow hitting the door.

Well... now both Harry and Niall have seen me in my underwear. Great. But it's not like they haven't seen a girl in underwear the morning after, let's be honest.

So without hesitation this time, I sprung to my feet and threw Harry's shirt off like I did putting it on. Pulling back on my clothes that I wore for the fashion show, I snuck out of the room and into the messy bathroom.

So my hair was messier than I thought. Does Harry even have a hairbrush? Surely he must for those strands of his.

But I'm not going to snoop through his stuff. Not until I know him a bit better; look at Trish and I. We're practically sisters and I steal everything of hers.


So I decide after contemplation to just whack my hair in a high bun, securing the bits that fall out; finishing that, I stepped back into the spare room and put my lace heels on again.

Niall said breakfast didn't he? Well knowing him and him being a guy, I need to make an appearance soon before all the food disappears.

So that's what I did.

Harry and Niall sat on the couch mumbling away at something; Harry staring intensely like he does, ignoring the fork full of eggs in his hand.

I slipped into the kitchen to see a plate stacked with breakfast goods.

Bacon, eggs, hash browns, a cooked tomato, pancakes, and even waffles. Lord help me through this.

Taking the plate and some cutlery, I made my way back into the living room where the boys were now quiet.

"Uh?" Looking back, I blinked back at how frantic they reacted. "Morning?" I sat down on the other end of the couch and looked at my phone;  dammit. Nearly flat.

"Could I charge my phone? Maybe?"

"Course." Harry smiled taking my phone and stepping out of the room. I shrugged watching television as I began on the crispy potato-ey goodness of the hash browns.

"You like my cooking?" Niall asked as I looked up to see him wiggling his eyebrows.

"The hell you cooked this. There's no way." He gasped and put his empty plate down to sit beside me.

"Well, that's true." He smiled as I looked back over at the plasma. "I've been thinking," he started, his thumb tracing my spandex, "thinking about what you said last night."

Was he talking about asking me out? I think he is.

"I want to show you I'm capable of being your boyfriend." Well shit son. "What can I do to prove that?" Looking over, he looked between my eyes as his hand held my knee again.

"W-well..." How do you respond to that? "Uh..."

Niall inched closer as I tried to stand; him preventing me though.

"Don't get tired of me." I said as he raised an eyebrow.


"Don't get tired of me." I said pulling his hand away. "Don't get tired of fighting for me. If you want me, work for me because I'm not easy Niall." He perked an eyebrow and leant his elbow on the head of the couch.

"You want me to work?" He asked as I nodded. "I can work, don't you worry about that."

"Niall?" Looking over, Harry looked at us with a strange expression. One with confusion and that concentrated face. Was that anger? Nah. Probably not.

"Tell pervert to keep his hands to himself." I chuckled taking in some of my bacon as Harry strode over.

"Gladly." He breathed and pushed Niall away before sitting between us.

"Thanks." I smiled and smirked over at Niall and Harry smiled at me before taking his food again.

"What was that for?" Niall gasped as Harry shrugged crossing an arm over his chest and chewing his food.

"Madeline doesn't want your dick in her lap Niall." Niall pouted and fell on his back as Harry looked forward once again.

"She will soon." Rolling my eyes, I cut my pancakes into strips and began to eat them like that.

"Let's watch something else." Taking the remote beside Harry, I flipped through the channels before going wide eyed. "This one!" I was eager.

"What? Why this movie?"

I smiled triumphant and stabbed into my food.

"Because it has me in it!" I yelled to see my face then pop on screen. Looking at the cooked vegetable -or fruit- known as tomato on my plate, I cringed. "You eat cooked tomato?"

I offered Harry as he smiled.

"It's alright love, you have it."

"I'll have it!" Niall piped up and leant over Harry as I fed it to him. "Mhm." He moaned though Harry pushed him off.

Niall is a dirty little leprechaun.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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