40: Secretly Bad

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[40: Secretly Bad]


Lunch was very eventful. The brief summary was Liam had landed a smack on his face for trying to break the boys up a second time. Niall was absolutely furious that Harry put the stinging mark on my neck and Harry was just plain angry at Niall.

Louis let his father side come out and told us all to eat in our own separate cars. But Niall didn't want that. He wanted to take me to the place he said he would.

Now here we are.

Niall rubbed his hand up and down my knee as his other hand shook in his lap. In all honesty, Niall looked like crap. Bruises were starting to form and his lip seemed to be busted.

He was anxious and still in his adrenaline mode. But luckily we were both in the car by ourselves, -and the driver of course- driving to wherever he wanted to take us.

My hand reached over and took his shaky one in mine. He balled the fist tighter and looked over at me. I lifted his palm and brought it up to my lips in an act of submission; to let him know I wasn't a threat.

His jaw clenched as I leant up and softly took his face in my hold. Niall's eyes refused to meet mine; whether it was because he was embarrassed or not I don't know.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and lightly kissed his lips. His eyes closed as he unballed his fist and pushed his fingers through mine.

"What for?" He mumbled, neither of us never moving away from each other.

"For coming to Ireland and ruining your friendship." Leaning away, Niall shook his head and slipped his hand to the back of my neck.

"That's not your fault. And don't ever be sorry for coming here. Harry's just being an ass." Niall kissed the corner of my mouth as his hand glided to my neck. "He used to get really possessive of the girls he used to date. And if one of us boys so much as looks at her the wrong way then he'd flip."

"Oh." I didn't know that. Reading all the tabloids about him, his ex-girlfriend's and the boys when I was younger, I'd never assume that. But I guess you learn something new everyday.

"Just, trust me on this one. Pull away from him while you can. Because if you don't then you'll find yourself in a place you don't want to be." With a nod, I cuddled into his side for him to easily welcome me. "We're going back to my place."

He admits as I look up at him suspiciously. Niall chuckles.

"You won't try anything right?" He puts a hand up in surrender.

"Not unless you want me to baby." With a soft punch to his shoulder, he pulled me back into his side; waiting for the arrival to his place.


"Oh wow." I whisper, looking at the interior design from this apartment.

"You like it?" Niall asked as I nodded speechless. "Come on. I'll give you a tour."

So he did. We looked through his bathrooms, his bedroom, the spare bedrooms, the kitchen and the balcony. I liked the balcony most - besides the kitchen of course.

"You a bit peckish baby?" Niall asked running his hands up my arms.

"I guess." I nod as he bites his lip before kissing my forehead.

"Well good thing I have food then." He leads us into the large kitchen and let's me lean on the island as he scours his fridge. "What do you want baby? I got anything you need."

"Hmm," I thought and looked over at him, "something sweet." His eyebrow raised in suggestion.

"I bet you're sweet." Kicking his ass, he laughed as I rolled my eyes. My gaze then caught out his kitchen window as I smiled looking outwards. We're nice and high up here. "Here." He threw me a half finished packet of chips as I perked an eyebrow.

Salt and Vinegar

"This isn't sweet?"

"Hmm," Niall hummed putting another packet beside us before cornering me into the bench, "we'll have dessert later." His hands gripped my hips as he kissed my neck.

"Niall, I know what you're thinking," because you're a horny bastard, "and you shouldn't. We shouldn't." He growled beside me as he flipped me round and pushed my back on the kitchen bench.

"He left this on you." He muttered, rubbing his thumb over my hickey as he leant over me. "Trying to claim you as his when you're fucking not."

His hands pinned down my wrists as he dove his head down to nip all over my neck.

And he thought Harry was the only possessive one.

My phone began to go off from my pocket as Niall grunted, lifting my legs around him. "Ignore it." He sucked my neck as I whimpered, shaking my head.

I couldn't ignore it. Harry would be having a panic attack right now.

"Let me go." I whispered as Niall leant above me, shaking his head.

"My house, my rules. You focus on me and me only." My heart began to beat out of my chest as Niall pulled me up. Our chests pushed together as he felt for my phone before throwing it away on the bench.


Picking me up, he carried me to the kitchen island as he put me down again.

"You're secretly a dirty girl aren't you?" He whispered, rubbing over my hips.


"When was the last time somebody touched you?" My eyes widened as I pulled my legs away from him. "Tell
me Madeline."

"A-a while ago." It was true. It was just over a year ago. Damn, I need to change that.

"Hmm." Niall tugged at my jersey before sliding his hands underneath it. "Can I touch you?" He breathed over my face as his hands inched up. "Can I Madeline?"

His lips brushed over mine as my heart increased.

Those hands of his made the decision for me as they touched my bra. A shiver went up my spine as I slightly arched my back.

Now I remember why I haven't had sex in so long. Because once I start, I can't stop. It's like my addiction.

"Niall." I breathed as his hands kneaded my material.

"You like that don't you?" He whispered as I nodded. I wasn't going to lie, the actions made my nipples harden. "Maybe you'll like this then." His hands pushed under my bra and gripped at my flesh.

"Shit!" I moaned as he caressed my skin with his thumbs.

"You're such a good girl for me." He slidse his lips over mine. "Such a good girl."


Shit got real !! Hope you guys are liking this story so far. Tell me your favourite part (if you have one :])

Which team are you on?

- Team Harry (Marry)

. . .

- Or team Niall (Nadeline)

- Nicole xxx

Copyrighted 2016. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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