11: Men have beautiful scents

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[11: Men have beautiful scents]


When I was younger, I'd always find myself to go out a lot. Days out in the city and nights out with friends; it may not seem like it but I had a life outside of social media.

And I guess some things never change.

I've always loved parties; especially when there's alcohol involved. It just really loosens me up and creates memories.

Some which are completely nuts, and others that actually make me look back and laugh.

Now I know that if I'm seen partying then I'll obviously need to lay low on the alcohol. It took me years to build up my career and it'll only take seconds to ruin it.

I'm cautious. Very cautious with the photos I'm in and the things I put up online.

My thumbs drummed over my phone case as I glanced outside the window. It was a nice clear night. Especially in London since most of the time while I'm hear, it's a bit dark. I like it though.

Always preffered rainy days to sunny ones.

My phone buzzed.

Niall: here with Harry and Louis :)) where u at???

Me: a few minutes away xx

Niall: I'll be next to a black van ok??

Me: Wat? You gonna steal me away? :')

Niall: don't tempt me xx ;)

Chuckling at our light fluffy words, I flicked over to Twitter and clicked into my private convos.

@_MaddyLane_: Niall's threatening to kidnap me. Can you slap him pls??? :)

@HarryStyles: done x

My Instagram buzzed.

Niall: did u tell Harry to slap me?!?! :o

Me: noooooo...

"We're almost there Madeline." The driver had informed me as I thanked him. Looking up through the front window, I saw us taking a turn around a large building through an alleyway.

Oh Christ. What if this was a kidnap?

Nah. The boys are to girly to do that.

I chuckled at the thought.

Niall: I see you rollin. Towards us!

I instantly began to put a tune to his words as I looked up to see the familiar Irishmen standing at his car.

Harry and Niall had been chatting to me frequently so I'm hoping it wouldn't be awkward. Not as much with Niall anyway since we've facetimed.

But what about Louis? He's a real sass to be around and I've read tabloids of him slipping up in the media.

Plud he has a child for Christ sake!

But I'm not going to let media define who he is. He'll be nice. He has to be.

Oh, and let me tell you, yesterday with Roxanne was absolutely hilarious. Niall sung to her and talked to us for awhile; and he even followed her on Instagram.

Roxanne said I will forever be her favourite person. Even over her future husband.

Our car stopped and Niall looked over as I tightened my ponytail. Trish did my makeup perfectly as always and helped me choose an outfit.

"Thank you again!" I thanked the driver and stepped out of the car to land in my all stars. The black and white colours of my shoes went with my clothes.

Black and a tiny bit of grey. But you'd hardly notice.

Stepping out around the car, I smiled as Niall and I made eye contact. He patted the buff man's shoulder and made his way over to me.

"Hey Captain Irela-hey!" I yelled caught off guard ad he spun me around.

"It's good to see you in the flesh." I punched his shoulder as he smiled cheekily at me.

"Irish dork." Pulling him in for an actual hug, he accepted.

He smelt nice. A lot of guys smell nice. Especially the attractive ones. Maybe that's how I'll find my husband one day.

"You look fantastic." He complimented and led us back to the car.

"My rags look amazing right?" He chuckled and I stepped forward to the side of the car for another to instantly step out.

It was Harry.

I smiled up at him as he pushed hair from his face and smiled down at me.

"Hello Madeline." He held his arms out and I stepped forward for our small cuddle.

Both boys had a different sense of humour, yet they were both oddly fulfilling.

"How are you?"

"Well, you know," I flicked my hair and looked up with my hand underneath my chin, "amazing as always." He smiled chewing away at whatever he was chewing at until the third voice caught me off guard.

"Well ello love!" I looked into the car to see Louis leaning forward in his seat smiling at me. He looked kind of tired though.

I wonder why he isn't at home sleeping.

"Hey." I waved as a hand touched my lower back.

"We ready?" Niall asked as I saw he was the culprit for the affection.

"Ok." I smiled slightly nervous. This was happening. This was actually fucking happening.

Excuse my Australian.

Sitting across from Louis, the other two clambered in; Niall stealing the spot beside me as Harry sat a seat apart from Louis.

I heard rumours that the two weren't exactly the best of friends. But they're in the same car so that must be good. Right?

The side door shut as I put a hand on my chest. "I'm getting kidnapped!" I exaggerated, wanting to break the ice.

Niall laughed at me and put on his seatbelt. Right. Safety first.

"It's not kidnapping if you want to be ere." Louis piped in as I smiled at him.

"I was bribed free drinks into this kidnapping." I justified as he chuckled and leant back into his seat.

"But you won't be drinking much." Harry smiled pointing at me. "Cause I'm on babysitting duty."

"Really?" Niall huffed looking between us. "Kinda hoping we'd get hammered together. I've heard Australians can hold their drinks."

"Well you heard right." I smiled as he grinned at me.

There was something going on with this boy. And I was not going to get myself involved so quickly.

I'm not 3 month make and break girl, no way. If anything does happen, then he'll have to earn it. Earn me.

I'm probably over thinking this. Just chill Madeline. This is your first proper time going out with the boys. Well... speaking of...

"Where's Liam?" I perked up.

"Sleeping I'd think." Louis glanced up from his phone as I nodded. Looking out the window, I watched us emerge from the alleyway and onto the road; the driver not hesitating to pick up speed.

"Hey," Niall brushed my arm for attention before pulling me into a conversation.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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