33: Too much in one day

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[33: Too much in one day]


"Ron!" I yelled happily through the space across the room. The older man laughed and took me in a welcoming hug. Ron and I go way back two movies and countless award shows.

He's honestly a god send. His work is phenomenal and he is apart of the reason why I watch Happy Days. That and Fonzy; ey!

"How are you my dear?" We pulled away with large grins on out faces. His causing wrinkles to deepen around his eyes and me hoping that I haven't got any yet.

"Amazing." He chuckles while nodding as he turns, reaching a hand over to grab my shoulder.

"I'd like you to meet your co-star." I blinked back as my smile widened.

"Hello." It's fucking Zac Efron. I'm working with Zac Efron as a love interest.

One of my goals in life has been completed. I didn't know it was a goal but it doesn't matter now because I'm about to tick it off of my bucket list.

"Hey," he replied coolly with a big smile, "it's nice to finally get to work with you Madeline." He stepped forward for a hug which I obviously accepted.

"Read my mind." I gave him a squeeze, inhaling his smell. His cologne had me weak at the knees and his embrace made me want to sob tears of joy.

I mean, I was never one for High School Musical but I was always one for Zac Efron. Who isn't?

"Alright, now that we've acquainted ourselves, why don't we get down to business?" Ron offered and we both easily slid into the seats around the small conference table.

Zac had his script out along with a bottle of water and his phone. He looked like he had been here a short while.

Hopefully I wasn't late. And if I was, neither of them seemed to care. Thank god.

"Ok," Ron started as Zac smiled next to me, offering his perfect smile and trying to melt my heart, "as you both know, Christmas is coming up very soon followed by new year. So that doesn't give us much chance to film. With that being the case, I've decided to started filming next year."

Zac took ahold of his water as I leant back into my seat.

"So with the two weeks we have, I want you two to read over your scripts together, and individually also. Also in that time, I'll take you to meet the backstage crew you will be working with as well as showing you the filming location."

"Ok." Zac understood as I breathed an alright into my hand.

"These two weeks will fly by and the new year will be here before we know it. Today I want you to take a break, but tomorrow I want you both back in here going over your lines."

"Of course." I smiled. Ron dove deeper into conversation about the contract obligations as Zac and I listened attentively.

This is crazy. And I honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else. But who was here experiencing this with me is something I'd like to add to.


"That's fantastic baby!" Niall smiled through the screen as I leapt happily around the apartment; alone in this luxurious place.

The two rascals with me wanted to go out and tour today. That's fine; I don't want to hold them back while I do my job.

"But no flirting with Zac alright?" Niall held up his scolding finger at me with the biggest pout. "He needs to know you're off limits."

"Don't worry, I won't flirt," I put the phone against the kitchen wall and walked to the cupboard, "much..."

"Baby, don't tease about that. You know I get jealous." I pulled out my packet of cereal - Nutrigrain is the way if I want to be a perfect athlete. And who doesn't? Everyone wants to exercise right?

Well... everyone except me.

"Do you now?" I asked taking out a bowl along with milk from the fridge.

"Hmm," I heard him respond and bounced lightly from the balls of my feet. Once I had finished preparing my easy meal, I put the products back before turning around, "no!" Niall said as I raised an eyebrow. "Turn back around. I was admiring your ass."

Rolling my eyes, I took my phone and carried it back into the living room.

"You've seen it before. In pants obviously." I said putting my phone against the couch as I crossed my legs. Niall scrunched his face up and I raised an eyebrow at his actions through the camera. "Niall?"

"Madeline," he grunted picking up his phone, "I want you to do something ok?" He muttered as I swallowed down my mouthful.

"And what's that?" This is sounding more sexual by the minute.

"Turn around for me." His face was serious, his tone matching. "And stick your ass out for me."

"Are you craz-"

"I want to see your ass. Show me. Need to see it." Biting my lip and looking around, I began contemplating the idea in my head.

It's like clothed live porn isn't it? Should I do it? I mean, I have no official commitments right? And what about Harry? He wouldn't want me to; of course he wouldn't want me to.

"Baby," Niall growled darkly as I slowly began to turn, "that's it baby. Now go a bit quicker."

I like Niall. I do like Niall. And I could potentially see something for both of us in the future. But there's something holding me back from giving him my commitment. And I think it's that I need to know that he won't screw me over, and have me seen as some kind of side hoe.

"Niall, this is-"

"If you don't bend over for me than I'm going to punish you so fucking badly when I see you." Where the hell did that come from? "I'll spank you - spank you so hard baby." He groaned putting the phone beside him. "You liked getting spanked baby? Hmm?"

I've never been spanked before. So I don't freaking know.

Keeping my back to him, I ran a hand over my face and looked at the cereal before me.

I couldn't do this. This isn't what I wanted.


My eyes widened as I looked back to see him. And I mean all of him. He laid casually in front of the camera as his hand worked wonders on himself.

I don't know if I've been scarred for life or not. Let's bet I have though.

"I-I gotta go!" I yelled and reached for the phone.

"Baby! No baby wai-"

The call ended. And I knew the image of Niall's junior would be in my head all day. Ugh.


Copyrighted 2016. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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