6: The Battle between Sushi and Ice Cream

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[6: The Battle between Sushi and Ice Cream]


I rolled my eyes and sighed into my hand as we made our way further in the car. It's been a day since the interview on the Graham Norton show and Trish wouldn't shut up about my so called crush on Niall Horan.

I've been trying to explain to her that I don't have a crush on Niall but she won't have any of it.

"So when's the next time we see your boyfriend?" She dragged on as I sighed and pinched the brim of my nose.

"Hopefully never." Trish gasped in an exaggerated manner.

"You don't mean that!" She was right. They were pretty cool guys. It's too bad Trish thought I instantly crushed on one of them.

"I might unless you shut your trap." She zipped her lips and pulled out her phone as I rested my head on the seat.

The song the boys performed on the show stuck in my head as I began humming it to myself. Closing my eyes, I tapped my fingers against my knees and relax into my seat.

A sudden beep had me scrunch my face to then look over and see Trish eagerly pull the phone into her lap. "The hell?"

Not even a few moments later, my own phone buzzed as I took it suspiciously from the seat beside me.

It was a tag from the very woman next to me.


She can't stop thinking of a certain boy band ;) xx

A video played with myself humming in the car, eyes closed as I relaxed into my seat.

This girl was honestly going to be the death of me.


"-will thank me." She waved off as I groaned and turned on my side the best I could to face away from that friend of mine.

A buzz went off on my phone and I was found to have a message.

Niall: saw your video x ;)

Oh great, now Niall's going to get the wrong idea.

Niall: let me repay the favour

Repay the favour? What favour? And how was he going to repay me?

A notification rolled in then telling me that I was tagged in one of Niall Horan's photo. Oh god.

Clicking the link, I saw the backstage selfie he took of the group of us in the dressing room.

Trish was holding my shoulder as she did her signature perfect cheekbone and jaw pose. Or maybe she's naturally pretty.

Looking over, I narrowed my eyes at my friend that tapped her foot on that crossed leg of hers around as she bit her lip.

Damn her stunning self. I would love a body like hers.

Why couldn't my generics involve being pretty and skinny? My parents will need a serious talking to.

Looking back at the photo, I observed myself and the other three boys. Liam smiled happily up at the photo, like someone was offering him a piece of cake behind the lense.

Niall had this kind of smirky smile that looked like he was both embarrassed and cocky at the same time. And Harry squeezed into the space in the back. His arms obviously behind him as he looked up at the camera with curious eyes and thinner lips.

It made me wonder.

Was he lost in his own world as he stared into the lense? Or maybe was he faking a content photogenic face behind those big eyes of his.

Maybe he just found the camera interesting.

Doubt it. He has a phone just like Niall's - or did he?

Great... now I'm questioning my whole existence.

"We're here." Trish smiled and pointed out the window as I followed her gaze.

"Baskin Robbins?" Another ice cream parlor? Maybe Trish didn't get the sugar hit she needed last time.

"That too. But look." Oh. Beside it was a sushi train bar; my eyes instantly lighting up.

Boy have I missed sushi trains.


"No!" I whined gripping onto the sushi door as Trish tried to pull me away.

"Come on Madeline. Come get some ice cream."

"But that means leaving the sushi bar." I choked out like I was parting from my one and only.

"But there's ice cream. Right next door." Trish tempted me as a guard stood close by both of us.

Sighing, I let go of the door and dusted my hands onto my pants.

"Dammit." She had won. I will now suffer -but secretly enjoy- the ice cream parlor next door. "You're paying!"

I yelled as she opened the door.

"Yeah, yeah." Waving me off with a smile, I followed her to the counter where various sorts of ice cream lay under a glass cover. "What do you want?" She muttered as I bit my lip, suddenly feeling like a kid in a candy store.

Or... an impatient girl at an ice cream parlor.

Jesus... I had to face palm myself for that one.

"E-excuse me." I heard a whisper and turned back to see a shy blonde headed girl approach us. Her mother and younger brother in the booth she had come from.

"Hello there." I smiled and nodded at Trish who returned the gesture and ordered for both of us.

"C-can I g-get a photo?" She was so nervous. Poor little thing.

"Of course sweetie." I smiled as she quickly flipped her phone out and pulled the reflective camera at us. Taking many photos, she kept the same smile as I did many incredible -horrible- faces, before she then asked for a hug. "You're adorable."

I squeezed as she gripped the collar of my shirt and clung to me a little bit.

"I love you." She whispered as I rubbed her back in a friendly manner.

"And I love you, uh..."

"Josi." She answered her name. A short while later, we pulled away and she wiped the tears that I hadn't known that fell away.

"It was lovely meeting you Josi." I thanked her again and stood, taking my ice cream from Trish. She was surprisingly calm for a younger fan. But the tears told me she was dying inside of happiness.

"Y-you too." With a wave to her and her family, Trish and I walked out the door before slipping into the van.

That was quite nice actually. Exactly what I needed.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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