12: I'm not drunk! Just tipsy

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[12: I'm not drunk! Just tipsy]


When we arrived, we had an escort at the sliding car door telling us how we'd enter the venue. It was stupid and smart at the same time. Stupid because seeing me around the boys would definitely spark people jumping to conclusions. And smart because that prevents those people from thinking we're coming in together, and igniting stupid rumours.

Our status' in the industry were very high and a lot of people wanted to know what we were doing all the time. It's kind of exhausting really.

"Madeline, we'll have you go first around to the back of the venue and boys, you'll enter through the front afterwards. There's some paps but not many."

"Will she be walking by herself?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows, looking between the security guard and me.

"No, we'll have her an escort." Harry seemed happy enough with that. "Alright darlin, come through." I nodded and clutched my phone as Niall leant back for me to crawl through.

"Big ass." He teased.

"No ass." I teased back and came outside. Pushing hair from my shoulder, I immediately had a security guard guide me away from the street and down further into the alley.

It kind of scared me a bit going this way, but I was thankful I had someone here protecting me. And I was thankful he let me walk close to him. He must have sensed my uneasiness.

"Alright, through here Miss Rose." I nodded as we came to the back door where another guard stood. My heart beat slowing down a bit.

I was guided through with a thank you to each man as I was led down the steps.

A third and final guard led me up the hall and towards the wide red placed door. I could hear music blasting from inside and knew this was the right place.

Was it really a party or was that some sort of code word for club? If so, then jeans and a jumper weren't exactly going to help me fit in.

"There she is!" Niall came striding over to me, the other two boys in toll. "You get in alright darlin?" I nodded as he put a hand on my back and opened the door.

The dark room and loud music enveloped me as I was pulled through into the large room.

Jared must of had some friends. I bet half of these people were add ons by the actual people invited. I understand their pain for I am one of them. And the pain is awkwardly real.

Being hauled into the moshpit of the crowd, I felt a hand take my wrist and guide me through. Looking back, I saw Harry's familiar face try to navigate through the crowd.

Somebody then bumped into me.

"Watch it!" Looking forward, a red headed woman sneered at me before flicking her hair and continuing her way.

Well... let this shit feeling just settle in for a moment.

"I can't find him..." Niall mumbled as he peeked up on his toes and scoured his eyes.

Looking at the floor, I took a short interest in my shoes before being pulled forward again.

"Jared! Jared!" Niall slipped his hand from me and strode forward to embrace his friend at a booth. I awkwardly stood and looked around to see a lot of people in here.

It was like a frat party - absolutely crazy!

I'd never actually been to one before but I've read that they're wild. Maybe as bad as schoolies.

"Who's this?" Niall looked back and smiled as he motioned me over. His arm slithered around my waist as I blinked back at him.

"This is Madeline!" His friend's eyes widened as he stepped forward to pull me into a hug.

"W-wow! You're Madeline Rose! My sisters love you!" I smiled wildly at the acknowledgement as he pulled away. Niall tightened his grip though I had to let him down a bit.

"Hands off." He pouted at me as I turned away from the group. "People will get the wrong idea." Stepping forward, I bumped into another chest as arms took a hold of my shoulders.

"You right love?" Looking up, I saw Harry offer a quick smile before chewing that goddamn gum -or whatever it is- of his.

I needed gum. Gum would be nice right now.


The night played on and I found myself becoming more relaxed around these people. Everybody I was introduced to was pleasant and smiley. Some were stunned and others were oblivious.

But that's ok. Not everybody stalks me thank god.

I know I wasn't supposed to get drunk. And I'm not.

Just a bit tipsy.

There's nothing wrong with that right?

I had wrapped my jumper around my waist and awkwardly tried to dance with a group of girls. They were all pissed so their skills didn't really matter to them.

But with me being sort of aware, I just slid from one foot to another.

Taking a swig from my bottle, I licked my lips and looked to see it was empty. Dammit.

With a turn -as the girls most likely wouldn't hear or acknowledge my excusing- I found a flat unoccupied surface to put my empty drink down.

"Madeline!" I heard and looked around to see movements of many bodies. "Madeline!" I couldn't distinguish the voice.

So I shrugged and turned back to the girls. The closest one, Sammy, smiled at my presence as she turned to me; us now dancing together.

She took my hands and we laughed at each other while trying to spin around. Sammy stumbled and let go as I lost my footing.

A hand touched my back but it wasn't enough to save my fall. So I tumbled back on my ass onto the wooden tiles and looked back to smile at the person.

"Harry!" I giggled and turned as he helped me up to my feet. He grabbed my head and looked over my face as I tried to look around.

"Yep," he muttered and stood tall, "I think you're done."

"What?" He took me under his arm and led us through the mesh of people. A handful of girls tried to grab at his chest but his constant movements and strides were enough to pull them off.

When we got out into the hallway, I bit my lip and stopped as I groaned kneeling over.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" Harry put a hand on my stomach as I whimpered.

"G-gotta... pee."


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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