Dont cry ((Myungjun))

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7ish- your POV

"Amber-ah I'll be home with the members around 10ish"  Myungjun said over the phone.

"Ok" I said hanging up. I went to go take a shower and get ready for bed.

2:30 am Myungjun's POV

"Guys be careful, Amber-ah is probably sleeping" after letting them sit down and relax a little I slowly walked into our room to go check on her. I heard soft sobs coming from the bed when I opened the door. "Amber...."

I slowly walked into the room. Once I reached her I started rubbing her back to reassure her that I was here. "Why are you crying?" She looked up with big eyes.

"You're here" she grabbed my waist and hugged me. "I thought you left" she started crying in my shoulder.

"Ah baby I would never leave you. Why would you even think that?" She wiggled her little body in my lap.

"Don't leave" she nuzzled her head in my neck and breathed in my scent. "You smell nice"

"It's a new smell"

"Ya it smell manly" she lightly kissed my neck.

"Why were you crying?" I tried to ask again.

"I thought you weren't coming back home. You came a lot latte than you said you would so I just got a little scared, and you know, cried. " She mumbled.

"I know the manager wanted us longer than I expected, then the members insisted I went to diner with them" I said still rubbing her back.

"Ah I'm sorry for making a big deal of it"

"It's fine. I would have done the same thing" I said picking her up and laying her down for her to go to bed. " hold on I'll be right back" I said walking out to get a cold cloth to put on her eyes.

"Here, put this on your eyes so they don't get all swollen" I said putting the cloth on her eyes.

"when will you come and lay with me?"

"I need to get my pajamas on, but I will be here sooner than you know" she nodded and curled up.

"See you later oppa"

"Sweet dreams baby~" I said lightly kissing her lips and walking out.

---------------------------------------------- this one is just a really sucky short one that I did in like a hour.

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