Birthday date ((rocky))

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"Good morning hira~" Rocky sang as you picked up the phone.

"Guh murnin rukeee" you said with the toothbrush in your mouth.

"What are you saying?"

"Good morning Rocky, haha sorry 'bout that" you said after taking the brush out from your mouth.

"Ahh it's fine, so you excited for the date today" he said cheerfully.

"Yep. And guess what today is" you said happily.

"Uhhh January 11" he said sounding confused why you were so happy on this random day. Just today was no random day it was your birthday and he totally forgot.

"I'll talk to you later I gotta go get ready" you said trying your best to not sound sad. You hung up without a goodbye. You were kind of sad that your boyfriend of almost 5 ((let's just say he's a little older than he actually is)) years and he still couldn't remember a simple date.

"He's probably just so busy because of work he forgot" you whispered to yourself "don't get too worked up hira" you said getting ready for a shower.

Rocky's pov

"Don't you think that was a little too harsh on her." I said looking at MJ. It was his idea that I should pretend that I forgot her birthday and just surprise her later tonight.

"She'll never see it coming" he said leaving the room to go get the cake ready.

"Poor hira" I said putting the phone down. "and I didn't forget" I whispered to the phone as I got up to go help the others.

Your pov- at a dress store

"What even is this" I said looking at the baby blue dress dongmin was holding.

"It's the dress your wearing tonight" he said shoving the dress in your arms.

"It's too girly" you childishly whined with a little stomping of your feet.

"Just put it on" he said pushing you into the changing room to get dressed.

You walked out slowly kind of embarrassed because the dress was way shorter than anything you would normally wear.

"Awww your so cute" he squealed like a preteen girl.

"Shut up DongMin ((what even is his nickname. Is it like minion))" you said walking past him to look at yourself in the mirror. You didn't look too bad with the baby blue. It complimented your skin tone very nicely. And with a little jewelry it would be perfect.

"You are definitely wearing that tonight" he said pushing you back into the changing room to get ready to leave.

You two got back to your apartment in a matter of minutes and started getting ready for the date.

"Dongmin" you whispered as he was trying very hard to do your eye makeup ((like do you know how hard it is to do dat stuff)) for you.

"Hmm" he hummed back not wanting to break his focus.

"Do you think Rocky forget?" You sadly said as he was still struggling to do your eyes.

"Why would you possibly say something like that?" He said finishing your makeup with a cute pink lip tint.

"When he called me this morning he sounded like he completely forgot" you said hanging your head low.

"Well if he actually forgot feel free to beat his butt" he said helping you to get off the counter. "You look so pretty hira" he said fixing your hair for you.

"Thanks." He lightly kissed your cheek and left your apartment to go get ready for his own date. ((With me))

Rocky's pov-

"Hyung are you sure we should be like this to her." I said nervously pacing around the dorm.

"Yes now you should get going before she thinks you forgot about the whole date" MJ said pushing me put the door as he shoved my wallet in my hands. "Have fun love bird" ((MJ's part time job is being Cupid))

"Why thanks hyung" I said staring at the closed door.

Once I reached her door I was oddly more nervous than I had been thought this whole 5 year relationship. My palms were sweaty and barely able to hold my wallet without it slipping.

"Stop being so nervous you've known her for 6 years" I whispered as my hand hovered over the door.

"Hello Rocky!" Hira said opening the door even before I could knock. She was in a cute blue dress with her makeup al done nicely. She looked absolutely adorable.

"You ready to leave" I said taking her hand in mine ready to leave.

After we had a nice dinner at the fancy restaurant down the street we decided to go for a nice walk in the park.

"Hira can you put this on your eyes" I said handing her a blindfold.

"But my eyeliner" she whined childishly.

"Just put it on" I said putting it on for her. I tried to be careful with her because truly I had no clue where either of us were going MJ just said to go to the pond.

Once we got the pond there was no MJ in sight only a small blanket on the ground with a small cake and some fruit on top.

"Are we there yet? Why did we stop?" She kept asking so many questions.

"You ask too many questions baby" I said taking her blindfold off.

"Wha it's so cute" she giggled to herself. 'How did I get this lucky to have her' just watching her smile to herself made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. ((Cheesy AF))

"Are you just gonna keep staring or can we sit down." I whispered grabbing her waist and snapping her out of her trance.

"Yeah sure" she said pulling my arm towards the blanket.

After a few minutes of complete silence with both of us calmly eating our food.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIRA!!"everyone screamed running out of the trees behind us.

"What?" She said looking around.

"Happy birthday babe" I said pulling her in for a hug.

"I thought your forget" she said nuzzling her head into my chest.

"I could never forget such a important date" I said kissing her head.

"Can we eat this food!!" MJ shouted pointing at the food on the floor.

For @Rocky_Astro I'm so sorry that it took so long to update I've been wasting my time on tumblr and obsessing

This was also a pretty long chapter to write so I hope everyone enjoys it :)

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