Future ((Moonbin))

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"You're so annoying!" I whined to the tall man who thought of the amazing idea to pick me up.

"Aww but you're so cute" he flashed that famous eyesmile of his.

I kinda gave up after that. I let him carry me out from room and out to the porch. Before we entered the small shelf like room that stuck out from our apartment, he set me down.

"Come on, Samantha, I know you love sitting out here" he pulled me out to the little screened in room. He pulled the giant blanket that we stored under the chair, we really like to be out here a lot.

We sat on the bench, tightly wrapped in the cozy blanket. The hours seemed to slip away as we talked about nothing and everything.

We silently watched the moon in the sky, as the sun had set hours ago it was almost midnight. You could even see the breath that fanned through our lips. It was very cold and gripped the blanket closer to our bodies.

He leaned his head in my direction and gave my head many light kisses.

"I love you so much." He said between pecks. After that it was more silence, and talk about dogs.

After some time, I started to get a little tired. I yawned and moved even closer into his side.

He let out some small laughs. I looked up at him, confused.

"What" I didn't look up at him but I lightly hit his knee. He rubbed his hand against my forarm and chuckled again.

"I'm just so happy to be with you" he almost sang. "I'm excited to spend most of my days with you." He hugged me even tighter–if that was even possible.

The night winds started picking up and we decided it would be best to back inside.

Since it was almost two am it was timw for bed. He hugged me close and quickly fell asleep. I smiled at his little snores.

"I love you too, moonbin" I said to the sleeping cat-dog in front of me.


This was supposed to be for @Adriana41008 but like it goes no where near what they requsted,,,, ummm i may make smth else for you if you dont like this one (just ask)

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