Ok ((DongMin))

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"Hey Lea how was school" your best friend said as you walked up to him waiting for you to get out of class. He was 2 years ahead of you so he got out earlier than you. 

"Good," you said hanging your heard low. 'Gahh stop lying to him you gotta tell him someday, why not today' you thought.

"Are they at it again" he said his cheery tone fading. 'Don't say anything to him, Lea' their crude tone rang in your ears.

"No it's all fine. I'm fine" you said pulling your bag close to you. "Can we get home I'm getting cold"

"Sure thing baby" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You two weren't dating but he enjoyed being close to you. 'I couldn't leave him' you thought as he walked in front of you.

"Your so slow today. Are you sure your ok" he said looking you in the eye.

"I'm fine I promise." Your voice almost cracking "it's just that gym is very tiring on my legs"

"Should I carry you then" he said cutely bending down so you can get on his back.

"No no I'm ok" you tried to nicely decline his offer. He of course would not let you decline.

"Please you sound tired" he said backing up so he was closer.

"Fine, but only because your being cute" you mumbled the last part embarrassment taking over your body. He seemed pretty content carrying you.

"Are you sure you can carry me all the way there cause I'm fine walking" you said playing with his soft hair. He happily hummed in response as he slowly walked down the street.

You two made it to your house after a few minutes of quiet walking. He gently placed you on your feet again.

"Are you absolutely positively positive that you are ok" he said seriously looking you in they eyes.

"Yes, dad" you joked. 'Your not ok stop joking'

"Call me if you need to talk" he said kissing your forehead and jogging away.

"I'll try" you sighed as he left your line of sight. You quickly fell on your bed exhausted from all the stuff that has been happening lately. Your parents were never home so you were always alone.

"I should tell him, he can help" you sighed. "I don't want to ruin that bright smile from his face though" you frowned at the thought of him not being his smily self. You closed your eyes and kept thinking about DongMin. Your trance was abruptly stopped by the ringing of the doorbell shrieking.

The next day-

'Great another boring day at school' you thought hugging your books close. You had a weird feeling in your stomach this morning and it still hasn't gone away. You made your way over to your locker to meet the one scene you wished wouldn't happen.

DongMin was fighting the boys who kept "taking their anger out on you" as they called it. His fist was raised in the air ready to punch.

"YA LEE DONGMIN!" You shouted getting his attention.

"Uh Lea I can exp-" he stuttered letting go of the boy.

"SHUT IT AND COME WITH ME" his cold eyes were replaced with the soft ones he normally looked at you with, especially when you were angry. He hung his head and walked over to you.
You two made your way to the basketball court in awkward silence.

"Uh Lea I'm sor-" he started.

"Why would you even think of doing that" he may be older but he sure acted younger, especially right now.

"They do it to you" he defended himself trying to look everywhere besides your eyes.

"And you call yourself a older man tch" you scoffed "your still the same primary boy I know" you were more than furious at this point.

"They were bullying you though" he whined childishly.


"Lea I'm sorry please stop shouting" he said trying to hug you.

"Stop" you said feeling you chest clench at how he was acting "do you know how much pain your putting me through" you said trying to look at him, but failing.

"I'm sorry Lea I didn't know, I thought I was helping" he said bringing you in for a hug. "I should just stop trying to be your friend. I just want to kiss you so bad and I know you'll never feel the same way so I just thought that I could become your friend and that's the best I could get" he said placing your chin in his hand and lifting your face to meet his.

"What are you-" he cut you off with a sweet kiss on the lips.

"I was doing that" he giggled.

"Get back to class you bum" you said pushing him away.

For @kpop_freak22 ((you asked for a different story line and I just remembered that like half way through so if you want I will do another image if you don't like this one)) This is incredibly cheesy sorry bout that

/edit/ I TRIED REMAKIN THIS CHAPTER BUT IT STILL SUCKS AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO I'm very sorry in that case have a nice day

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