Pen pals ((Dongmin))

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Sun's POV-

"Ok class we will be doing pen pals with ______ high school" Mrs. Choi said picking up a fishbowl. "This year we have to choose who goes with who. So we shall use the fish bowl to decide" she said shaking the bowl around.

"Mrs.Park please choose" she said shaking the bowl in front of my face.

"Oh ok" I said taking out a pice of the bright orange paper. "Lee Dongmin" I muttered.

"Ok class I'll give you guys some time to start writing your letters. I do expect these by tomorrow" she said leaving the room.

"Hey Sun who did you get?" The nosy annoying girl Alice asked from behind.

"I don't know his name." I never really talked with people so this was no surprise.

"Then what's his name. I'm popular so I'll probably know him" she said in a super squeaky voice.

"Uh Lee Dongmin"

"OMG LEE DONGMIN!!" She screamed. Lots of girls shot their heads up and started 'whooing'

"Uh ya Lee Dongmin" I said looking at the pice of paper. "Why are you so loud?" I said shushing her.

"I will trade my stupid person for him. I'll even pay you if you want" she said looking at the pice of paper. "Do you even know who he is" she said not taking her eyes off the paper.

"Uh I know he's a student" I said thinking of the name and where I've heard it.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!! HES LIKE THE HOTTEST BOY IN THE WORLD!!" She practically screamed in my ear. "I must show you him" she said pulling out her phone. "Here look" she said shoving the phone in my face. The picture on the phone was a boy who looked like he wouldn't think twice before slapping you. ((Even though Dongmin would never slap you))

"Uh he kinda looks like he would kill someone" I said looking at the photo again.

"Yes he's the schools bad boy. Isn't he hot" she sighed. "I would do anything for that paper slip" she said trying to grab it from my hands.

"The teacher said no switching with other students" the other annoying girl Hannah said from behind us.

"But she has Lee Dongmin as a pen pal" she whined.

"YOU HAVE LEE DONGMIN AS A PEN PAL" she tried desperately to get the little pice of paper from my hand.

"Like you said, no trading" I said pulling back my hand.

"YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS" she screamed. " give the paper to me, I will even pay" she got out her purse. "30 dollars, 40," she handed me some money.

"she said no trading, sorry" I said getting up with my bag. "goodbye" I said walking out. 'I wonder if I can get to learn a little about this bad boy' I wondered in my mind.

"Yo watch were your going, nerd" I heard a deep vice say ((even though he doesn't have a deep voice))

"I-I'm sorry Dongmin"

"just never do it again, punk"

What the heck was all that about. I kept walking trying not to think about the dilemma that happened right behind me.

"MINNIE IM HOME!!!" I screamed to my little brother minhyuk.

"Sun, I've told you time and time again, I like to be called Rocky when my friends are here" he whined from the living room.

"I don't care if a king is here I will call you minhyuk"  I said walking up stairs. 

"you're so mean!!!" he screamed at me. 

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