Long time no see ((MyungJun))

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Hint dat ikon Fangirl in the name. Honestly I personally don't like using y/n in my writing so I don't really use it that often but I did do it for this image because you didn't know but if any of you do decide that you want a image please do say your name and not y/n. Thank you

"Hello MyungJunnie" I sang happily skipping over to him and pulling him in for a hug. He was my best friend and my neighbor so we saw each other a lot and we were very close.

"Uh hey y/n I have some bad news." he said hanging his head low.

"What is it?" I said letting him go.

"I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it to our play date tomorrow." He said giving me one last hug and running back to his house.

I didn't think much of it at the time actually I just walked back inside my house and ate my lunch like any normal day. Except he never did came to anymore play dates after that day.

"Y/n did you do you homework for last night" my class mate Jinwoo said coming over to my desk.

"Yeah why?"

"Because I didn't" he said holding his hand out for me to give him my homework.

"They may be wrong" I warned handing them over.

"I don't care that old hag won't look at the answers" he said taking the paper and heading back to his desk.

The teacher came in right as Jinwoo gave me my homework back.

"Good morning class I hope your weekend went well" the whole class mumbled answers in unison.

"Well that good" she clapped her wrinkly hands together "I have something that will make your day better" she motioned over to the door where a boy walked through. "This is Kim MyungJun he will be staying with us" she said backing up so he could introduce himself. My eyes widened at the sight of him standing in front of the class with his little headband wrapped around his head.

"Hello I'm Kim MyungJun I hope we all can become friends" he happily chirped. I rolled my eyes at the happy boy.

"It's too early to be this happy" I grumbled.

"Well MyungJun you can sit right there in front of Jinwoo" she said pointing to were he will sitting.

He happily obliged and skipped to his seat.

At lunch-

"Hey y/n" Jinwoo said pulling up a chair in front of me. "That MyungJun dude is way to happy to be at school" he said stuffing his face with bread.

"He is" I grumbling sipping my juice.

"Hello may I sit here?" Someone chirped from behind me.

"Sure" I said not looking behind me because I knew who it was already.

"May I know your name?" He asked poking my shoulder.

"Don't touch me. And it's y/n" I said still not looking at him.

"Ahhh y/n I used to have a friend named y/n she was the sweetest" he said letting out a sweet sigh and continuing his food.  'So you remember me' I thought sipping my juice.

"YEAH Y/N LISTEN UP" jinwoo said snapping his fingers in my face.

"What did you say?" I asked

"Oh never mind"

Back inside the classroom

"How was gym y/n?" MJ said as I walked into the classroom.

"Good" I said placing my bag down on my desk.

"So y/n (y/l/n) how's life been?" He asked planing his head on top of his hand. (I have lost all hope for this chapter and am done with life so let's make it cheesy)

"How long have you noticed" you said glaring at the smiley boy.

"How could I have forgot that beautiful smile" he said moving your hair.

"You seriously think I'll fall for that" he just giggled in response.


For @SamanthaSummer126 hope you enjoyed it sweetie
This was incredibly tacky ending done by the one and only Emma.

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