Crush ((Dongmin))

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Dongmin pov-

"Ya! Dongmin hyung. pay attention to me" Sanha whined snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"What do you want?" I said sipping my coffee.

"You like her don't you" he sang as he moved his head in a swaying movement.


"Lynelle" he pointed at her sitting with jinjin.

"I don't." I said shooing his hand away and looking away from her. She looked so pretty with her hair like that, well prettier than normal she was always pretty.

"Then tell me why you are blushing" he cheekily grimed as he poked my cheek.

"I said I don't like her" I said scooting away from the annoying teen in front of me.

"If you don't like her. Then I'll ask her on a date" he whispered as he stood up. "Lynelle! Come here for a moment!" Sanha shouted.

"Ahhh hey guys" she jogged over and stood I front of our table. "What did you want Sanha?"

"Ahhhh Lynelle" he stretched out each syllable. This boy is going to be the ending of me. "I had a question" she nodded.

"If you were to date any member of Astro, who would you date?" He said tapping his chin as if he actually was thinking in that head of his.

"What kind of question is this?" She said awkwardly running her finger along the table.

"Just answer it, we don't have all day" this little brat.

"Ummm probably Myungjunie or dongmin" she looked away from me.

"Is that right?" Sanha said, he's thinking of something evil and I can tell it "well I guess today is your lucky day cause dongmin wants to date you too!" He gapping clapped his hands.

She looked surprised at least.

"Well if you two lovebirds don't mind me I have some business with rocky that I have to deal with" he quickly got up and rushed away from the two of us.

I can feel my blush that was probably more visible than the sun in the sky.

"He's gonna get it when we get back to the dorms" I whispered. I looked at Lynelle. "Sorry about him"

"Haha it's ok" she laughed, god she looked so cute when she laughed. "So you like me?"

"Ummm, what, huh, I mean, yeah, you're cute" I nervously squeaked.

"Oh my you are too cute" she pinched my cheeks "so are you going to ask me or do I have to be the man?"


"I guess I have to do it" she shook her head "well, dongmin, do you wanna go on a date with me?"

Ahhhhhh it's finally done!!! Whoop whoop

For kpopotat0 hope you enjoy it :)
I'm sorry if I didn't really go 100% with the request, you can ask me and I'll be more than happy to redo, but I did stay relatively close I think.

Anyways I hope all of you have a nice day! :)

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