Feelings ((DongMin))

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Before I start this I really love your name it's so pretty.

"Nadyaaaaa" my friend whined for the billionth time today.

"Whatyaaaaa" you whined back.

"He's over there" she whispered pointing to DongMin, my crush.

"I'm not taking to him" I said placing my drink down on the table and lightly blushing at the thought taking to him. "I'll talk to him when I have enough courage" she sighed at my lack of confidence.

"Well you better do it soon" she warned chomping on some bread "some girl may snatch him up" (like a snake)

"Whatever" I said turning my head away so she wouldn't see my blushing cheeks.

Couple weeks later-

"Are you serious" I said as I rolled my eyes at my friends idiotic plan.

"It's bound to work." (Work work work asdnsjejbe work work work) she said placing a milk carton on top of Sanha's (lol Sanha's now your friend) tower of trash.

"And if it doesn't work?"

"I will...." She thought of a minute "I don't know, I"ll think of something" I rolled my eyes (enough of the rolling of eyes. Your eyes gonna fall outa your head soon) at her response.

"Just do it" Sanha said knocking over his own tower.

"Fine" I grumbled getting up. "I'll go put the letter in the locker" I said grabbing the little blue envelope.

Dear Lee DongMin,

I really like you and I don't have enough courage to actually tell you face to face, my friends actually made me write you this haha. If you want to know who I am just take a quick run down to the library after school, I normally am around the 'historical fiction section so if your lost just go there, 4ish is about the time I'm there and you may see me :)  just to warn you I'm not as pretty as most girls so don't be frightened.
This could be kind of like a date, haha nah


I quickly scurried over to where his locker was and shoved the letter in before anyone saw. I made sure to hide my blushing cheeks from any passing students as I quickly ran to my next class.

Later that day- Dongmin's pov

I found the letter after lunch and I still can't stop thinking about it. Should I go meet this secret admirer? Or not? So many questions (wow two questions, so many!) I could barely pay attention in class.

Later that day after lots of thinking I finally agreed with myself and started making my way over to the library. The hallway was pretty empty, then again it was past school hours so it was pretty normal. The library was always a calming place for me.

There were not many kids in the library so it was easy to find this mysterious admirer. She was sitting alone reading what seamed like a very interesting book from what her face looked like. She was very concentrated on the giant book in front of her. I quickly took a seat in front of her, she didn't notice me because of the music blasting though her headphones, and I watched her closely in silence. Something about her was different from others, the way her lips moved as she read, the way she quietly tapped her foot against the floor, or the way she just looked over all. After a few minutes of me staring at her and her just reading she finally noticed me. Her eyes shot open.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" she said trying to tidy her area a little bit. "I didn't notice you there. How long were you sitting there?" She said trying to hide her pinkish cheeks.

"A few moments" I shrugged in response.


"Stop yelling we're in a library" I said placing my hand on hers, now her blush was very noticeable I bet mine was too "by the way this is a very nice date idea, you don't see many people go on these"

For @najun96 I'm very sorry sweetie that I took almost like 4 months to do this simple request I accidentally forgot about it and I feel so bad :( ANYWAY ITS FINALLY DONE AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT

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