2am ((Myungjun))

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boring night. not many customers, then again it was 2am.

I let out a long sigh as I tapped my fingers against the counter.

the ring of the bell snapped me out of my boring trance. I looked up and saw a girl, about my age, walk in and straight to the back of the store.

I could hear the small hum as she looked through the yogurts. I leaned over the cash register to get a better look at her.

her dark hair tied into a high ponytail, ant sweater, she looked so small. I looked down at the table and smiled a bit.

she made her way from the back to the front. she placed the yogurt on the counter and started going through her bag. I rang up her yogurt and looked at her.

"that'll be 4,000 won"

"I'm sorry, just wait a minute" she mumbled shuffling though her bag "I just got back from Japan so I really only have yen" she explained  pulling out a lot of dollars and coins.

"Ahhh here we go." she said "I have 3,000 won" she put the three bills on the counter. she noticed she needed 1,000 more. she opened her bag again and started digging.

"it's ok, I can pay for the last 1,000" I said looking at the girl.

"oh no no no. I know I have at least 1,000 more"

"It's ok, really" I said taking the bills on the counter. she looked at me "as long as you can do me a favor"


I took a deep breath, this is going to take a lot of confidence.

"do you wanna go on a date with me?" I asked looking at her shocked face.

"you don't even know my name?" she questioned looking at me curiously.

"oh yeah" I scratched the back of my neck. "do you have a name?" she laughed

"of course I do, silly" she smiled "it's hana" she held out her hand, I gladly shook her hand.

"well, Hana, would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked again

"of course I would, myungjun." she smiled.

ok you guys can request if you want I'll be open to all requests (as long as not sexual) also I'm sorry I had like a moment of "nah I'm officially ending this" I never could leave this book :)

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