Singer ((Myungjun))

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I heard that sweet sugar sounding voice coming from next door. I looked out my sliding glass door and over my porch.

I couldn't see the owner of this beautiful voice, nor did I ever as he sang. I, of course, have seen him around, he's quite handsome but he always seemed a bit loud and hangs out with the 15 year old down the street, even though he's almost 22.

He was definitely a weird character.

He always sang at six o'clock every night and I always waited for that time to come. His sweet voice was like motivation to me, motivation to study for my collage tests, motivation to do good.

I don't know what about it, but his voice sends shivers down my spine.

When ever I hear his voice, singing for about a hour and a half, a smile creeps up and I get a bit more cheery.

I always go to bed with a grin on my face, as if his voice box had some type of magical potion injected in it that makes his voice so soothing.

The next day-

I sat on my porch and tapped my pen against my folder. It's been eighteen minutes and I've probably written ten words.

It's almost six, hopefully he's getting ready to sing I need the motivation.

I check my phone clock 6:15 pm it flashed.

Huh. Fifteen minutes late? He was never late.

I sat there for a couple more minute , ready for his magical voice to fill my head and help me work.

Soon my phone read six twenty-two and I gave up. I guess he's not going to sing to me tonight.

I sadly got up from my previous position and walked inside.

I hardly got any work done that night, but I went to bed earlier if that counts.

The next morning

I quickly rushed out of the small apartment and down the steps taking two at a time.

I had over slept and was already going to be late to my first class.

I dashed down the street, dodging students here and there. I rolled into class just as the teacher was talking about what was on today's schedule.

That class was boring but I couldn't dare miss one class, I was already struggling behind.

All the kids packed up and scurried out of the stuffy class. I was lingering about, not in any real hurry just making sure I got everything.

I walked back to my apartment, taking small steps, well compared to this morning.

As I entered the lobby I was greeted by someone ramming into me.

Papers  swooshed around us and he laid on the ground.

He noticed he fell and started grabbing all his papers.

"Hey I'm sorry" he rushed, his cheeks turned kind of pink as he looked up at me. 

"Let me help you" I bent down and grabbed a handful of papers. I nearly stacked them and handed them to the nervous boy.

"I hope these didn't get out of order too much" I joked. Geez this boy had so many papers. I took a quick glance at the paper and saw music notes and lots of little writing.

"Hey," I said. He looked at me and I finally noticed who he was "you're that dude who always sings at six o'clock" I said taking in his facial features.

From this close he looked extremely handsome.

He nodded and chuckled a bit. His laugh was just as pretty as his voice. 

"And I'm guessing you're the girl who occasionally claps for me" he laughed. Dang it I thought no one heard that.

I ducked my head and continued picking up papers.

"Your voice," I started "is- is really good" I don't know why I'm getting so shy, it's not like I know him or anything. He laughed slightly at my actions.

"Well," he paused. "What's your name?"


"Well, Luna," my name sounded nice coming from his mouth, then again anything did. "how about I take you on a date and I can show you my singing skills. One on one."

I shyly nodded, geez this boy makes me so shy. He picked up the last paper and helped me up.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" He let my hand go and closed his now overflowing backpack.

"Hey hyung!" Someone shouted. We both shot our heads in the direction the voice came from. The fifteen year old stood at the door, waving his arms like crazy.

"Sanha, how many times do I have to say. Keep your voice down we're in public" he face palmed at the tall boy.

The boy strutted over to us and looked at me.

"Does mj hyung have a girlfriend?" The boy, Sanha, asked. Mj, I just learned his name, grabbed the boys wrist and pulled him away. "He does!"

"Mj and a stranger sitting in a tree k i s s i n g" Sanha sang as mj pulled him away.

"I'll see you later Luna!" Mj shouted as he pulled the singing boy away.


Ayo it's ya girl emma back with the 50th chapter. For no one cause ya'll suck and don't request.

I was tempted to change Luna's name to mine cause I'm trash but I didn't (ur welcome)
Also sorry for any mistakes throughout the book I don't edit my stories so they kinda suck, spelling wise.

Feel free to request at any time

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