Lonely ((Sanha))

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I haven't done a Sanha one in awhile idk why but I guess I thought I had to many so I never did any (I'm sorry baby) BUT HERE WE ARE TODAY WITH A BEAUTIFUL SANHA

I sat on the swing slowly running my feet along the wood chips. Music softly flowed out of my headphones.  'I have so much work I should probably do that.'

"Hey! Skye!" Sanha shouted running over to me. "Can I swing with you?" he said between breaths.

"Oh hey Sanha." I said looking up and taking my headphones off.  "You need anything?"

"Nope. I just thought you looked kind of lonely." He said smiling and then sitting down with me.

"Ok" I said looking back down. "So how's school going for you?" I asked looking at the smiling boy and shyly smiling.

"It's going so well and all the teachers this year are so nice to me." He said smiling back at me.

"You're so smiley today, is something up?" Of course he was always smiley and just all around a happy boy (dat boi a happi boi) but he seemed happier than normal.

"Hmm?" he hummed tilting his head cutely.

"Eh you just seem happier than normal" I awkwardly mumbled kicking a stone away.

"You're too cute" he said turning his whole body to face me.

"What?" I asked a little shocked by his sudden burst of affectation.

"Geez your ears are getting worse these days, I SAID YOU'RE TOO CUTE! " he shouted getting off the swing and flinging his arms around. I laughed at his exaggerated movements.

There were a few moments of silence and him still standing in front of me.

"Hey Skye, how about we go on a date sometime?" He said breaking the silence.

"Aren't we already kind of on a date, like right now?"

"Yeah but I wanna go on a date like boyfriend and girlfriend date" he whined.

"Fine, but wh-" he cut me off.

"LETS GO MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND!" He shouted as he dragged me away from the swings.

Emma updates twice a day, wow this is not something you see everyday. I'm spoiling ya'll

Well anyway this is for @IAmSkyeAllDay hope you enjoyed it :) sorry if it isn't exactly what you were looking for but I did try. This is also extremely short but I really couldn't think of anything that would involve a lot of dialog so I just wrote a short one (you are more then welcome to tell me if its too small I will be very fine changing it so it's better) I'm so sorry like more than half of this story is me talking.

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