Beach ((Moonbin))

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There is a lot of talking done in this chapter I hope you don't mind.

"Samantha~" Moonbin sang from the kitchen.

"What is it?" I asked walking out of my office. He was standing in the kitchen looking happier than ever.

"You'll see~ Close your eyes~" Moonbin sang again from behind me. I closed my eyes as a soft fabric was placed over my eyes.

"Binnie, what are you doing?" I asked touching the soft cloth.

"I'm surprising you" he said pushing my hands away. "Here take my hand" he grabbed my hand and lead us to what I think is the front door.

"Are we going outside?"


"Don't I need shoes?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I'll help you with that" he paused for a moment, I guess he's bending down to get my shoes.

"Foot." I gave him my left foot.
"Other foot." I gave him my right foot so he could put my shoes on for me.

"Why are you doing this? I'm old enough to put my own shoes on" he chuckled.

"Cause if you took the mask off you could see all the stuff that I need to bring" he finished tying my shoes and grabbed my hand again.

"We all good?" I nodded.

He silently guided us over to the car making sure I don't fall.

"Don't you think this is really, um, cliche?"

"Yes" he quickly answered. I laughed at his answers. He helped me into the car and ran off back inside to get his other stuff.

The ride to where ever this mystery place was quite quiet. We mostly just listened to music.

"We are here" Moonbin cheered.

"Can I take this stupid mask of now?" I asked raising my hand to take it off.

"Now I want to get a better place." He quickly got out of the car and helped me out too. He grabbed my hand and lead me to yet another new place.

"Hurry I wanna know where we are" I whined for the billionth time during this small walk.

"Ok fine take off the mask" he said standing behind me. I took off the mask and was caught by a beautiful sight.

Beautiful blue waters were sat in front of me. The sound of waves crashing calmed my body.

"How is it baby?" Moonbin questioned wrapping his arms around my shoulders and giving me a back hug.

"Ahhh it's so pretty" I smiled. "Why did you take me here? Don't you have practice tomorrow?" He shook his head.

"Manager gave me a day off and we both could use a small vacation." He said. I shook my head.

"Thanks Binnie. I love you~" I sang at him as I was still staring at the ocean.

"I love you too Samantha" he said kissing my head and looking at the ocean with me. I'm going to have a fun day.


For Adriana41008 i hope you enjoy the story!!! I'm just gonna keep writing in this book so I hope you guys don't mind :)

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