Jealous ((Moonbin))

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Not surprised another jealous one I'm just so uncreative :///

"Hey Moonbin, good work today!" Yujung said giving a hug that lasted a little too long for my liking.  They were filming their new music video for "breathless" and the female actress was getting a little too close to Moonbin.

"Thanks! You too" he said returning the hug.

"Hey Binnie" I said walking up to the two of them. "We should get going if we wanna catch the movie in time" I said grabbing his hand.

"I was actually going to go eat dinner with Yujung." He said letting my hand go and wrapping his arm around her. She smiled and nodded her head.

"But we're been planing this for so long" I said feeling my heart sink a little bit.

"Yeah but I just promised her, so you'll just have to wait" he said shooing me off.

"I'll see you at home." I grumbled angrily.

Later that night-

"Marie! I'm home!" Moonbin shouted setting all of his stuff down and walking into the living room.

"Hey" I said not looking up from my book. "How was Yujung?"

"She's good. Why are you acting so weird?" He asked taking a seat next to me.

"That's good."

"Did I do something?" He asked taking the book from my hands. "What did I say?" He asked.

"I'm fine, Moonbin" I said looking at him kind of angrily. "Now can I please have my book back?" I asked holding out my hand.

He slowly handed the book back and got off the couch.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked walking into the kitchen.

"I already ate with jinjin."

I could hear him sigh loudly from the kitchen.

"Marie, are you jealous" he said walking back out to the living room.

"Why would you say that" I said not looking up from my book but still sounding pretty annoyed.

"Please tell me" he said leaning against the doorframe.

"Well Moonbin, how about the fact that you stood me up so you can go have dinner with Yujung, who obviously likes you." I said looking back down at my book.

"Hey, Marie, I'm sorry." He whispered. "I completely forgot-"

"I would have let that excuse slide, except one thing" I looked at him and crossed my arms "I was telling you we need to go but you still blew me off so you can hang out with little-miss-perfect"

"Look, Marie, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was that important to you" he whispered looking down.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I've heard it a million and one times" I said getting up and walking over to our bedroom. "Good night, bin"

"I love you Marie" he whispered.

"Love you too" I whispered back as I closed the door on his face.


For ThisFanAintLoyal I hope you like it sweetheart~

I'm not too sure about the ending but if you want I can change it for you :)
Have a very nice day (haha very nice seventeen) (lol I'm trash)

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