Long distance ((dongmin))

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Hey dongminnie
are you here yet?

Geez jihyun an you be
any more impatient

I literally just boarded
the plane

What time is your
scheduled landing?

Idk three hours from

You do the math

Wow you are so lazy

Your new name is

Ok you'll be here
about 12:30


I gotta go plane is

Love you~~~

Yayaya whatever you
say lazy butt

I smiled as I locked my phone. Finally dongmin is visiting me. Two and a half years waiting and my day has come.

"Hey, jihyun, are you ready?" My roommate asked walking into my room.

"Dude, we've got like three hours till he arrives" my roommate was driving me but I don't know why she's in such a rush.

"Do you seriously think we are meeting him on an empty stomach?" She asked placing a hand on her hip and looking at me. I shook my head.

"I'll go get dressed" I mumbled as I got up. Geez she's so demanding sometimes.

After lunch

"Ok we have 20 minutes to get to the airport" I rushed. My heart is racing, I'm so excited to funnily be seeing him. my stomach is so full after that lunch.

The whole cast ride I couldn't keep still, my leg kept bouncing up and down, my fingers silently tapped my thigh. My heart is racing.

"Would you calm down already" she laughed looking at the nervous me.

"Hey I bet you were like this when you saw Moonbin for the first time" 

"Nah," she said "I was a lot calmer" she laughed again placing a hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine."

I shook my head again. we started getting closer and closer to the airport. my heart is racing.

we parked and quickly walked inside. The feeling in my stomach was not going away anytime soon.

there he was.

he was waiting by the conveyor belt, probably for his bags. I couldn't make my feet move as I stood there and looked at him.

he looks really tall, towering over the couple people standing next to him. he, well the back him, looked really handsome.

"go get 'em" my friend whispered pushing me over to him. I slowly walked over to him taking small baby steps.

I stood behind him, "oh my god" I whispered. he slower turned around and looked down at me.

"oh god, are you jihyun?"

"really eunwoo?" I asked looking at him with the 'are-you-serious-face'.

"dang, I think I got catfished" he said "you look nothing like your pictures"

"stop it, dongmin" I laughed pushing his shoulder.

"ok ok" he gave me a long hug "I'm so glad to finally see you, jihyun" he leaned back and kissed my forehead.

"that's all I get?"

"we are in public, calm down" he laughed. he turned around and grabbed his bags and set them in front of us.

"ok," he clapped his hands "let's go get something to eat" I groaned.


for Eunwoo_Trinit3 hope you enjoy sweetheart !!

I actually like long distance relationships idk why :/

i also found this photo and I love it so much, look at Sanha awwww

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i also found this photo and I love it so much, look at Sanha awwww

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