Bad boy ((rocky))

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Faith's POV-
"Ugh rocky is so stupid" I said plucking the gum out of my hair. He's been bullying me ever since I came to my new school in Korea.

"Did he really bully you again" my older sister said leaning on the door frame.

"Ya" I said pulling a big hunk of gum out of my hair.

"Then do something about it" she said walking away.

"Wow so useful sister" I muttered.

The next day at school-
"Hey nerd" rocky said while I was getting my books.

"Go away, I'm not in the mood" I just want to have a nice birthday for once.

"Aw but your so fun to tease" he said pushing my books out of my hands.

"Fine" I said picking them up and walking away.

Rocky's POV- earlier that morning

"Hey Minhyuk" Moonbin said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Ya" I said making some food.

"Guess what today is"

"April 5?" I said eating my food.

"Ya. And it's Faiths birthday" he said walking out of the room.

"WAIT HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!" I screamed at him.

"Her brother told me"

At school-
Oh there she is
She looks so pretty today
I should say happy birthday

"Hey nerd" I said waking up to her.

"Go away I'm not in the mood"

"Aw but your so fun to tease" I said slapping the books from her hands. 'Wait what am I doing? This isn't how you treat the girl you like.'

"Fine" she said walking away. 'Ugh I'm so stupid.' I thought as I walked to my next class.

After school-

"-just talk to him" I heard a voice say from the dance room, it kinda sounded like Moonbin hyung but I'm not sure. I decided to ignore it and keep walking.

"Hey" I said to Myungjun as I walked in.

"How was school?"

"Terrible"  I said falling on the couch.

"How so"

"Well i kinda like someone but she won't notice me" I sighed.

"Did you try to talk to her"

"Well kinda" I looked at the floor "I may have been a little mean to her so she would notice me"

"Are you serious" he said.

"Ya" I mumbled.

"That is no way for you to get someone's attention. You should just talk to her. Get to know her a little better." He said getting up and walking away.

"Easier said than done" I said slumping down in the couch.

The next day-

"Hey hyung" Sanha said running into the class room.

"Dude this isn't your class. Go back to your class" I said shooing him away.

"I know but I need you" he said pulling my arm.

"SANHA WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!" I yelled at him as he dragged me down the hall.

"Faith-" he stopped to take a breath. "She-" another. "Is going-" he stopped talking completely and started pulling me down the hall again.

We reached the lunch room and he quickly pushed me inside. There was a big crowd, laughing at something.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I said looking at the big crowd.

"Look" he said pointing to the crowd.
He pushed through the crowd while dragging me with him. Once we reached the middle of the circle I saw faith in a little ball with egg all over her.

"Why are these people laughing at her she's crying" I mumble as I pushed through the crowed.

"Are you ok" I said reaching my hand out to her.

"DO I LOOK OK!!" She screamed at me.

"Your right. Come with me lets get you cleaned up." I said.


"I didn't mean it. Now please get up." I said offering her my hand again.

"I hate you" she said getting up on her own. We walk silently to the nurses office.

"Ah hello darlings" the nurse said as we walked in. "How may I help you" she said looking up "oh you need to wash up I go call your mother" she said getting up.

"I'm sor-" she interrupted me.

"Cut it" she said coldly.

"Can I at least explain myself" she didn't answer. "Well, I kinda like you. Soooo I did all those mean things so you would notice me" I laughed a little at how idiotic it sounded.

"What are you laughing at?"

"At how idiotic it sounds" I chuckled a little.

"It sounds like a five year old came up with it" she said.

"It does. So about that confession" I said awkwardly.

"I don't know"

"Ok faith your mother is here" the nurse walked in. "Did I interrupt something?" She said looking at my pink cheeks.

"Ah no" faith said getting up.

"Tell me tomorrow!" I shouted as she walked out of the room. I heard her laugh outside the door. I unconsciously smiled.

The next day- Rocky POV

"I must look at least decent" I said looking at myself in the mirror. "It's ok."

"Hello faith" I said as she entered the class.

"Hey Rocky." She waved to me.

"Soooo about yesterday" I said walking behind her.

"Ugh about that" she said turning around.

'WHAT IS SHE GOING TO SAY' I mentally screamed.

"About that" she leaned in and kissed my cheek. By now I'm burning red. "My answer is yes" she said hugging me.

Exactly 900 words.

For obs_solar sorry it took so long I've been very lazy. Sorry if it sucked

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