Teach me? ((rocky))

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"Rocky" you breathed out, you've been dancing for like 100,000 hours.

"Yes" he said squatting in front of me.

"Help me you bum!!!!" you grabbed his shoulders.

"dude, we've only been dancing for like 30 minutes"

"NO YOU CRAZED MANIC ITS BEEN LIKE 100,000 HOURS" I shook shoulders.

"you're the one who asked me to help you learn to dance" he picked me up and brought me to the couch. He sat me down and went to go get some water.

"I did?" I scratched my head.

"yes, you asked me last night" he handed me a water.

"I was probably like half asleep, duhhh"

"whatever" he slung his arm over my shoulders. "eww you're all sweaty" he ripped his arm off of my and made a disgusted face.

"you bum. I'm going to go take a nap" I got up to go take a shower.

"I'll come lay with you later" he kissed me cheek and continued dancing.

<<<magical time skip>>>

"Kaylee-ah, move over" he poked my back.

"back off" I snuggled into my pillow.

"but I thought you wanted to cuddle" he poked me again.

"did you wash yourself?" I looked up.

"yes, now scoot" I scooted over so he can join me.

"I love you" he whispered to me.

"awww I love me too"

"you're so annoying"

"thank you" I smirked even though he couldn't see me.


I'm pretty proud of this one.

Later darlings~

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