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"For the last time MJ I'm not going to go on a date with Rocky" I said staring at MJ very annoyed because this is like the 10th time this week he's told me to go on a date with Rocky.

"But Hana you like him" he wined stomping his feet.

"Stop it MyungJun. Your just being childish. Now go back to practicing you have a performance soon" I said leaving the practice room.

"Oh-ah hey Hana" Rocky said standing at the door.

"Hey Rocky. How's your day going" I said

"Uh- pretty good" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Are you ok, you look a little pink" I said feeling his forehead for a fever.

"I guess it's just hot in the building" he said stepping backwards.

"Another reason is probably because your wearing that big jacket" I said pointing to the coat.

"Ya thats probably the reason" he laughed nervously.

"Now go practice I'll bring you guys some lunch later" I said shooing him away.

"Thank you Hana" he said and started walking inside.

"Wait before I forget can you tell the guys to stop trying to get me and you to date"

"Of course. Like I would ever want to date you anyway your just like my sister." He said walking in the practice room.

'Like a sister. Great now I'm friendzoned' I sighed and continued walking.

Rocky POV-

"Hey MJ hyung." I said walking into the practice room.

"Hey" he said looking at me. "Why are you all red?" He said pointing at my face.

"Uh, you know, reasons" I said looking anywhere but him.

"You were talking to Hana, weren't you" he sassily said placing a hand on his hip.


"You know you two would make a adorable couple" he said

"Can you stop saying that she doesn't even like me in that kind of way" MJ made some weird noise and stomped his feet.

"OH MY GOD BOTH OF YOU ARE COMPLETELY BLIND" he dramatically said stomping out of the room.

"What was that" I mumbled to myself and started practicing.

Lunch- Hana's POV-

"Guys I'm back and I have food" I said opening the practice room door.

"Hey noona" SanHa said taking the food. "Thanks for the food" he said walking back to the other members

"Your welcome" I said getting ready to leave.

"Hey Hana, where are you going?" MJ said stoping me.

"Just gonna go home" I said

"But. You should stay, you know Rocky's gonna be here so maybe you can, you know, confess" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I said stop trying to get me and Rocky together. I told you he doesn't see me as a lover, he sees me as a sister" I said walking out.


'He doesn't like her as a sister, he likes her as a lover' I thought to myself as t walked over to Rocky

"Hey Rocky, can I talk to you for a moment?" I said poking his shoulder.

"Uh ya sure hyung" he said getting up and walking out with me.

"What'd you want hyung. And where did Hana go?" He said once we were out of hearing range of the members.

"She left" I coldly said.



"She likes me?!?!" He said in disbelief.

"Yes you pabo" I said walking back into the practice room.

Rocky's POV

'Wait she likes me'  I giggled girly.

"YES SHE LIKES ME!!" I happily skipped down the hall. "I've got to go ask her on a date" I said skipping out the building.

"Hello Miss Hana's mom" (please tell me in not the only one who does this when I don't know someone moms name)I said once she opened the door.

"Ah hello minhyuk-ah" she said letting me in "are you here for Hana because she's in her room" she said pointing towards the stairs.

"Ok thank you miss" I said running up the stairs.

"HEY HANA!! WHY DIDNT YOU SAY YOU LIKED ME" I said barging into her room. I guess I startled her because she almost feel off her chair 'silly girl' I thought as I walked towards her.

"What do you want" she said looking at me confused.

"I just need to say something" I said taking a big step towards her.

"Why are you lo-" I cut her off with a big passionate kiss.

After our lips parted she was a bright red. "Wha- what was that for!" She slapped my chest.

"Your so cute" I said hugging her waist.

"That's not funny" she pouted.

"Aww I'm sorry" I said kissing her lips lightly.

"So what was that even for?" She said.

"I like you. And now your my girlfriend. And I'm not taking a no for a answer" I said swaying me and her back and forth.

"What if I don't want to be your girlfriend" she said laying her head on my chest.

"Well I know you like me, MJ told me, so your not going to say no"

"MJ TOLD YOU WHAT?!?!" She shouted.

"Shh baby. And he told me you liked me" I said trying to calm her down.

"He's going to get it" she mumbled. I just laughed and kissed the top of her head.

For @crazeebanana hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if it sucked I tried my best to get as close to what you asked.

Also sorry for the terrible title I suck at thinking of titles.

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