Apologies ((Moonbin))

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idk why you guys want so many jealous imagines, I've literally got like 4
And sorry in advance I'm not the best at jealousy and angry images :/

"Wanna be your star! We are astro! You worked hard today thank you everyone!" They all shouted as they bowed to the directors. Finally after many tiresome hours their filming was finally done.

"How was it?" He asked as he walked up to me and gave me a quick hug.

"Great" I cheered giving him a quick thumb up. "We should get goi-"

"Hey Moonbin, good work today!" Yujung said walking up to us and giving a hug that lasted a little too long for my liking.

"Thanks! You too" he said returning the hug.

"Hey Moonbin I was trying to say something" I said trying to get his attention again.

"Your acting is really good" she said placing a hand on his arm and smiling.

"Thanks!" He said returning the friendly smile. 

'She's getting too friendly' I thought looking at the two of them angrily. "Moonbin I was trying to talk" I said lightly smacking the side of his head.

"Hannah can you please stop I'm trying to have a conversation with Yujung" he said pushing my hand away. She quickly smiled devilishly at me and then went back to smiling innocently at him.

"But don't we have somewhere to be?" I said grabbing my sleeve out of annoyance.

"We can go later" he said shooing me off.

"If that's the way you want to play" I grumbled walking away from them.

At home-

"Why is he so stupid" I shouted throwing my bag on the couch. "It was so obvious she flirting with him." I said throwing myself onto the couch as well. "He's so stupid" I groaned into a pillow.

Later that night (your at home and he's out)-

"Hello" I said picking up my phone.

"Hey Hannah, would you mind doing me a favor?" Moonbin said through the line.

"What" I said still a little irritated over his actions earlier.

"Would you mind picking me up from the bar?" (let's say he's older)

"How 'bout you get that Yujung girl to bring you home." I said my anger slowly rising.

"Hannah I don't see why you hate her so much, she's done nothing wrong" he said trying to back her side up a bit.

"Of course she's done nothing to you, but me is another story" I said rolling my eyes at his obliviousness.

"Come on Hannah don't be this way she has done nothing, now can you please come pick me up" he said pushing my last button.

"How about you get her to pick you up" I angrily said hanging up.

"He such an idiot" I groaned eyeing my phone which was now sitting on the coffee table.

Moonbins pov-

"Thank you sir" I said stepping out of the taxi.
I slowly walked up the stairs not really ready to face angry Hannah.

Your sleeping on the couch tonight.
Sweet dreams~ Hannah
I quietly groaned looking at the bright pink sticky note stuck to the door.

"Is she serious" I said opening the door and walking into the living room to see a giant pile of blankets on the couch. "She is."

'Morning- a couple days later

"Are you a serious Hannah" I said knocking on her door. No response. She's been at this 'avoid all contact with Moonbin' thing for a couple days not and she's doing pretty well

"Well I need to go to work but I do expect you to be out of that room by the time I'm back" probably not.

I'm planing on apologizing on tv today. I'm hoping this works out well.

Back to your pov- a lil bit later that day

"What do you want" I said slowly dragging my feet over to the front door.

"Good afternoon Hannah" Chanwoo (I'm using their friendship as a benefit) said smiling as I opened the door.

"Oh hey chan" I said smiling back "come inside," I said moving out of the way.

"Actually I'm here to bring you to our show" he said handing me a rose "I know you and Moonbin aren't working out too well these days so I thought I could help get your mind off things" he said.

"I'm not really in the mood" I said looking at the clock.

"But this will be our last show before we start the Japan tour so please" he whined trying to act cute.

"Fine. Just let me get dressed first" I said walking back inside.

At the concert-

"I'm really angry at you chan" I said crossing my arms. "I thought this was your show not Astros"

"But we have a surprise for you" he said smiling.

"I still hate you"

"But you'll love the present"

End of concert-

"Before we leave today I just want to say a special sorry to my beautiful girlfriend who always gets overly protective but it's cute" Moonbin said smiling over the giant camera. "She may be a pain but I love her. I love you Hannah~" he sang the last part.

"This idiot" I said under my breath.


It's currently 2 am but I just wanted to finish thei chapter.
I also feel like this is the longest image I've written in awhile gosh.

For @exotic_Hookies hope you enjoy it ^^ 
Have you guys listened to the whole album yet if so what is your favorite song? If not you should also go listen to it.

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