Scaredy cat ((sanha))

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"Ain, what movie do you want to see?" SanHa said looking at the list of movies that were playing in the theater.

"How about a, horror" I said pointing to the one with the scariest cover.

"Are you sure you want to watch that" he said eyeing the cover.

"Yep" I said getting up to get the popcorn. I heard him dragging his feet behind me as I walked to the counter.

"Hello miss" the boy said from behind the counter.

"Hello can we please have one buttered popcorn and two sodas" I said handing them some cash.

"Coming right up" he said taking the money.

After we got our popcorn we headed over to the room where the movie would be held.

After the movie-

"I loved it" I said once we left the dark room. I looked down at sanha who was still clinging to my arm looking terrified. "Uh sanha" I said shaking my arm.

"I'm not scared" he said standing up straight.

"You sure about that" I said poking his flushed cheek. He only nodded in response. 

After he brought me home I quickly got ready for bed and just watched tv the rest of the night.

Around 1 in the morning I got a call from SanHa.

"SanHa what do you want it's like one" I said quite annoyed because he woke me up.

"Uh ain" he said his voice trailing off.

"SanHa I don't have the time I'm tired." I said.

"Ain I'm scared that the zombies will come and get me" he quickly said his voice going a pitch or two higher than normal.

"I thought you said you weren't scared" I said teasing him.

"I did just so you wouldn't think I'm a baby" he said lowering his voice.

"SanHa just turn on a nightlight or something." I said getting ready to hang up.

"BUT THEN THERE WILL BE SHADOWS AND THAT WILL BE EVEN MORE CREEPY" he screamed on the other side of the phone.

"Then ask someone to sleep with you" there was a moment of silence on his side of the phone then he giggled a little. "What are you laughing at" I said annoyed.

"Hey ain can you sleep with me?" He asked innocently.

"Are you serious" I said my voice dripping with annoyance.

"I thought you would say that"

"OH FOR GOD SAKES SANHA GO TO SLEEP" I screamed and hung up. 

Not a minute later he called me back.

"This better be important" I said grumpily.

"I'll go to bed after I say one thing" he said cheerfully.

"It's to early for th-" he cut me off.

"I LOVE YOU" he screamed and hung up.

"This boy" I said looking at the phone with his number flashing on the screen. "I love you too" I said before falling back asleep.

For @ainZs_ I hope you enjoyed the image.

Sorry it was kinda short compared to my other stories.

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