Study partner ((Moonbin))

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Lol I lied I'm not doing dongmin I just noticed that I already have a image right before this one with him so I decided to use Moonbin. I hope you don't mind the little change of plans.

"Hey Jessalyn " Dongmin said leaning over the counter.

"Hey Minnie, how's work so far?"

"Slow day" he said leaning onto his palm and closing his eyes. "You want anything?" He asked getting ready to make a drink.

"Nah, I'm good" I said taking a seat and pulling my laptop out. "I have a project to do and my partner is doing nothing" I grumbled pulling up the inform tab.

"That sucks, who's your partner?" he asked.

"Uh I think he's name is Moonbin" I said thinking a little bit because honestly I forgot. He nodded slowly.

"Yeah you may wanna be careful with that one." I nodded slowly. "So where are you guys going to go?"

"Probably the library, you should go don't you have a project you need to do" I said picking my bag up again.

"Nah I'll do it later"

At the library-

I slowly walked into the building a huge gust of cold air washed over me. I hugged my sweater closer silently cursing myself for not wearing a heavier shirt. I quietly looked around and noticed him sitting at a small table off in the far corner all alone.

As I made my way over to where he was sitting but a really tall boy with really light orange hair stepped in my way.

"Hey Jessalyn" he smiled brightly.

"Oh hey Sanha, you here to study?"

"Nah, I'm just here with Moonbin-hyung" he said motioning over to the lonely looking Moonbin.

"Well I should get going" I awkwardly said. I don't know why I'm so awkward around him it just happens every time we talk.

"Oh yea have fun" he smiled probably not noticing my awkwardness. He happily skipped over to the exit. I started making my way over to where Moonbin is sitting.

"Uh-hello" I said tapping the table nervously. I don't know why I was so nervous in front of him.

"Hello Jessalyn" he said looking up and closing his book. I stood there awkwardly while tapping the table. "Oh yeah you can sit down" he said as he hurriedly moved his books away. He seemed more giddy than he normally is. I let out a small laugh at the thought of him, Mr. Perfect-boy-Moon-Bin, getting nervous over someone like me.

"Why are you laughing" he whined trying to cover his rosy cheeks. I shrugged.

"Let's get to work" I said finally taking a seat.

Later that night

"I guess we should get going" I said packing up my laptop.

"I had fun today" he said scratching the back of his neck. "We should do this again sometime"

"You mean go to a library and do homework, how 'bout we go on a actual date" I said kissing his cheek and walking away so he didn't see my blushing face.

For @QuiteJun hope you enjoyed Sorry the ending was a little iffy I am such a loner I barely know how humans act around each other. This also took me like two months to finish so sorry bout that. 
This will also be my last post on this book for awhile until I get further in my other book.

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