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  It was getting cold. I had lost my shoes and jacket. There I was, drunk, lost, standing on a corner with my suitcase basically half naked.

Vic pulled up in his Jeep. "Yay!" I squealed in my drunken state. Vic got out and didn't look so pleased. "Hi, Vicky." I said, giggling. He rubbed his face and sighed. "Just get in, Ana. I'm exhausted."

He took my suitcase and put it in the backseat. I walked over to the passenger side and almost tripped over my own feet. Vic came over and helped me in. "What am I gonna do with you, Ana?" He asked. "Love me forever!" I giggled as he reached over and put my seatbelt on.

We started driving away. "So, what happened? How in hell did you lose Tiffany, lose your shoes, and lose your jacket?" Vic asked me. "Well, I went out Tiffany. We went out to a club in Palm Springs, and this girl was being really mean to me. She said really mean things and was being a bitch. But, it was alright. We danced on tables and I am suuuper drunk! We almost got into it. Like, like, we almost fought her. Then we drank and then we went to our...um...ho...tel..we trashed it.. So we got kicked out and I lost my jacket and I lost my...shooo-oes.." I started to have the hiccups. We stopped at a red light. "Jeez Ana. I can't leave you alone for five minutes, can I? You could've gotten kidnapped. Or worse."

"Well, I'm not d-e-ead, Vic. You're acting l-ike I'm a baby. Just le-eave me alone."

"Well, fuck, Ana! Am I supposed to be impressed? Huh?"

I stayed quiet. Vic doesn't usually yell at me, unless he's really mad.

"Sorry." I said. I really didn't know what else to say. My vision was really blurry and my head hurt extremely bad. I didn't want to get into it with him, because I knew I wouldn't remember it in the morning.

Vic and I argued all the time. We were best friends. You'd think we'd get adding really well, considering that we've known each other for so long. But, unfortunately, we never exactly saw eye to eye. I was the laid back one, the one who always wanted to go and cause mischief. Vic, not so much.

When we arrived at our hotel, we sat for about a minute. Not talking. Not moving. Just sitting there, waiting. For what, I'm not sure.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said, rubbing his eyes. I could tell he was tied and started to feel bad.  "I'm sorry I'm such a child and you need to take care of me so much."

Vic had always been so overprotective. That was the main reason we never went out. He was too much of a pushover. I loved him, but I wasn't in love with him.

I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcase, slamming the door shut. I started walking in. Vic followed me. "Anarchy, I'm sorry! I'm just upset because I'm scared that one of these times that you sneak out that you might not come back home!" He yelled at me.

I sniffled. "You don't always have to look out for me. God, Vic. I'm 23 years old. I'm not a child."

  I walked in the hotel and payed for a night. I noticed Vic followed me into the elevator. I pressed the 4 button.

I didn't notice I was crying until Vic wiped my eyes. He looked at me with his big, brown eyes. "I'm really, really sorry." He said. I put a strand of my green hair behind my ear. "Me too." I said. He pulled me into a hug.

"But you're kind of insane." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. The elevator dinged and we started walking. "Wait, don't you wanna come to our room?" He asked me.

"I already paid for one of, um, my own. I was hoping you could stay in there with me...?" Vic looked at me, as if he was searching for an answer in my pierced face. "C'mon, Vic. Isn't it crowded with all the boys?" I asked.  He gave in and followed me to my room. It was a few doors down from his.

I opened the door and turned on the light. I squinted at suddenly felt a wave of nausea and ran to the bathroom.

I'll bet your money as you're running to the bathroom

I puked while Vic held my hair back. "Ugh I'm dying." I said and held my stomach.

  He laughed. "Get cleaned up and then come lay with me." He said and closed the bathroom door behind me. I put my hair into a ponytail and washed my face. Then I took out my septum piercing and cleaned it, and brushed my teeth.

I changed into basketball shorts and a 'I love Kellin Quinn' shirt. Vic hated me wearing it but I loved watching his nose scrunch up and his eyebrows crinkle up.

I walked out and Vic was in bed, playing on his phone. "Hey Vic, look, it's your favorite tee shirt!" I said and he looked up at me. He made the face. I laughed. "Take it off. I hate that shirt." He whined. "Whatever you say, daddy." He made another face and rolled his eyes as I took the shirt off. I climbed in bed with him and cuddled him close.

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