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Vic basically forced me into the bathtub. He got in and sat down on the side opposite of the shower. I was standing under the shower head.

Vic looked at me apologetically as my blood ran off my body into the drain. I couldn't look at him. I sat down in front of Vic. "Why'd you do this to yourself, Babydoll?" Said Vic soothingly.

"I'm just so upset," I sobbed. Vic's clothes were sopping wet now. He scooted closer to me and hugged me. I cried out in pain. He pulled away fast as my stomach cuts started to bleed more. My breath became ragged and my vision became blurry. I passed out.

The last thing I heard was Vic screaming for help.


I woke up in a hospital. I was hooked up to an IV and I noticed I was in restraints. I panicked. "Vic!" I yelled and struggled against the restraints. "Vic!" I yelled desperately again. Then I realized it was night. Vic was probably on the next plane back to San Fran. They had a concert there in a few days. Tears flowed out of my eyes as I cried silently.

Tear this place apart until you find me hiding. Silently, I wait

Suddenly, Vic came in. He rushed to me. "Vic, what's going on?" I said, referring to the restraints. He kissed my forehead. "Ana, they're sending you away." He said sadly.

I stared at the ceiling. "Of course they are," I whispered. Vic held my hand. "I'm sorry." I let another tear fall but Vic wiped it away. "When will I see you again?" I asked. "Months. Weeks, maybe, if your 'behavior' improves. Just be a good girl and they'll let you out," he answered me.

"This feels like the first time I was sent to juvy." I mumbled.

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