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The moment Ana touched me I flinched. She was freezing. "Jeez, Ana! You're so cold!" I said. She laughed. "That's what happens when you're walking for an hour in a little dress I guess." Ana said. "You were walking for an hour?" I asked in disbelief.

Anarchy has always been a...pain in the ass I should say. She's trouble. I always tell her how her name suits her.

She's broken every single bone in her body. I was there for most of it. She jumped off a bridge in San Francisco and broke her left arm and her right leg. She broke her other leg by trying (and failing) to do a trick on her skateboard. She broke her wrist by slipping while she was ice skating in Toronto. She broke her thumb and index finger by catching a football the wrong way. I'm surprised she's not dead yet.

"Well, I forgot your number before I realized it was in my contacts. I called the other guys, but they didn't answer."

Ana said. I laughed at her. "You're an idiot." She giggled. "Yeah, but I'm your idiot." She said. I rolled my eyes and held her closer so she would warm up. "I'm surprised I haven't sold you yet. I could probably get a good twenty bucks." I said, laughing. "That is so mean, Vic. You know you love me." She laughed her ass off.

"Go to sleep, you dork." I said.


I woke up to the sun shining through the window. Ana was clinging to me like a spider monkey. Her head was on my chest and her chest was near my lower stomach. I remembered she didn't have a shirt on.

I shook her. "Ana," I said. She groaned. "Nuuuuu Vicky nuuuuu," she held me tighter. "You gotta put a shirt on." Ana shook her head. "You didn't like my shirt." She said. "Just put one on," I asked. "My head hurts. No." She whined.

I tried to pry her off of me but she didn't budge. She moved up to where her head was resting in my neck. She pressed her lips right below my ear and then nibbled my neck. Her breath still reaked of alcohol.  I had to bite my lip to keep from making any..noises. She always played around with me like this, knowing I had a girlfriend, acting super sexual. It drives me nuts.

My lip biting tactic didn't exactly work out well. I let out a squeak and then a soft moan. Ana laughed and got out of bed. My face turned red. "Anarchy!" I yelled at her.

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