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  "It's too bad this had to be our last hookup." I said. "What? Why?" Vic said. "I have a boyfriend now." I stated simply. He looked at me with a mix of emotions. Hurt, anger, sadness and disgust flashed across his eyes within a couple seconds. "Y-You...Wh-who's your b-boyfriend?" He asked cautiously. I couldn't tell if he was going to scream or cry or both. "Oliver." I said. "O-Oli? But he's one of my friends." He said in disbelief. "And?" I asked. I didn't understand what that had to do with anything. "And you can't screw around with my friends!" He said. My heart shattered. That hurt. "I wish you wouldn't treat me like a slut." I said quietly. Vic was at a loss for words as I left. "All I'm saying is you need to stay away from my friends!" He yelled after me.

    He kissed me. At first I didn't think that our relationship was a good idea. That thought was quickly pushed away as he kissed my cheek and cuddled me closer. "Can you hand me my phone?" Oli handed it to me. I snuggled closer to him as I looked through my notifications. None. I placed my phone back on Oli's nightstand. Him and I had spent the day out, and then we came back to his place. It had been two months since I talked to Vic. I didn't really care. If he wanted to apologize, I was all ears. He would've called me by now. I started to get worried. What if he actually saw me as a slut? Oli rubbed my knee. "Everything okay?" He asked in his cute British accent. "Nothing. I was thinking about...nothing." I said. He kissed my temple. "Just know you can tell me anything, kitten." He said. I nodded and rested my head on his chest. Oliver was so sweet. I loved the way he gave me little pet names and little random kisses. I sighed. So many thoughts were pooling in my head it gave me a headache. I focused on Oliver and the way he smelled. I focused on the way he played with my hair and mumbled sweet nothings. I soon fell asleep.

  I woke up and looked at Oliver. He was fast asleep. I carefully untangled myself from him and checked my phone. It was almost midnight. I had tons of new messages.

Vicky Baby Yeah: Ana I'm really sorry. Can we meet up and talk about this?

Vicky Baby Yeah: I miss you, Ana. I'm sorry for being jealous and stupid. Stupid people make stupid mistakes.

Vicky Baby Yeah: Fuck, Ana, please! I'm so so so sorry. You know I'm a screw-up but I just wish you'd please at least listen to what I have to say!

Vicky Baby Yeah: We can't end like this.

Vicky Baby Yeah: I love you, Ana.

Vicky Baby Yeah: I miss you, Ana.

Vicky Baby Yeah: I need you, Ana.

Vicky Baby Yeah: I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Just please, don't do anything you'll regret, Ana. Have a good life.

Vicky Baby Yeah: Fuck that!

Vicky Baby Yeah: Ana, we're best friends. I know you. You know me. We both know that soon enough, we'll come crawling back to each other. I fucking love you.

Voicemail from Vicky Baby Yeah

I listened.

"Ana, I...I can't live without you. If I can't live with you, I don't wanna live at all." He sniffled. "A-and I know how pathetic that sounds, b-but you're my best friend and I fucking love you Ana!" He cried. "I have a crush on you, and I know that you know. I heard about your relationship with Oliver and I acted out. I didn't mean that, I swear!" He sobbed. "I'll do it, Ana. And you know exactly what I mean." His voice shook. "I-I've been kissing razors, Ana. I-I-I can't do it anymore. I want to d-"

Oliver took my phone out of my hands and turned it off. I hadn't realized the streams of tears coming out of my eyes. Oli wiped my eyes and frowned at me. I hugged him. I was upset. I was angry. I was desperate to get to him.

"Go to him."

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