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I laughed at Vic and went into the bathroom. I got in the shower and soon enough, Vic was knocking. "I'm coming in," he said. "'Kay," I said. I poked my head out of the curtain. "Don't start jerking off, Vic."

"Well what am I supposed to do? You gave me a problem." He said. "You can take a cold shower. I'm almost done."

  He groaned. "Ana," he whined like a three-year-old. I shut the hot water off. "Can you hand me a towel?" I asked. He handed me one and quickly told me to get out. I laughed.

I dried myself and soon heard Vic sigh in relief from the bathroom. I giggled and slipped black panties on with a blue bra. Vic came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I was still only in my undies. I was sitting on the bed looking at Tumblr. Vic stood next to me. "Can you please get dressed and get my suitcase from my room?" He asked me.

"Uh-huh." I said and turned my phone off. I grabbed a pair of black skinnys and a BVB shirt. As I slipped my jeans on, I could feel Vic's eyes on me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "D'you have a staring problem?" He shook his head vigorously. I finished getting dressed and I left to the boys' room. They were all sleeping still.

I grabbed his suitcase and headed back. I gave Vic his bag and we both headed into the bathroom. I brushed my hair. He got dressed. I brushed my teeth. He brushed his hair. I did my hair. He brushed his teeth. I did my make up. He put his nose ring in. I put my septum piercing in. We both got out of the bathroom. I smacked his butt and he yelled at me. I laughed.

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