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Ana was sitting on the counter and I was standing. Her hands were wrapped around my neck and mine were around her waist, but were making their way down lower. "Looks like you missed me more than I thought," Ana whispered, breaking the kiss and sending chills down my back.

She somehow escaped my grip and walked to the other side of the kitchen, grabbing her wine. I scoffed at her. "That's it? You're such a tease!" She smirked at me from above her glass. She walked to the vacant living room and sat on the love seat, turning the TV on.

I sat next to her and watched her flip through the channels, sipping her wine. I started to have a problem and Ana seemed to know, 'cause she smirked. I hit her arm and she laughed. I started to walk to the bathroom. I thought Ana was following me, but she was just putting her glass in the kitchen sink.

Once I had gotten in the shower, I heard Ana come in. I didn't think anything of it. Until she reached her hand in and turned the hot water on. I was about to ask her what she was doing, but then she joined me in the shower. "Mind if we save water?" She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I have a problem." I reached for the hot switch.

" I could help you with that," she said, pinning me against the shower wall. I gasped. She kissed my neck and sucked on it. I moaned as she ran her hands down my body. She took my member in her hands and started to very, very, slowly palm me.

I whimpered. "F-f-fuck! F-f-aaas-ster!" I whined. "Why should I?" Ana smiled at me. I breathed heavily. "Ana!" I whined again. "If you were just gonna tease me, I would've-" I was cut off by Ana putting me in her mouth. I moaned loudly. Five minutes had passed off her mouth around me and me moaning. "Ana, I need you. I-I-I-'m close."

She kissed my tip and I drew in a sharp breath. "I'm ready," she said, but not even in a sexual way. She said it as if we were having a normal conversation. I pinned her against the wall. "Wait, condom?" I said. She shook her head. "I'm on the pill."

I lined my member with her..womanhood. "Ready?" I asked. "Jesus Christ, Vic, I'm not a virgin just go." She giggled at me. I thrusted hard, quite a few times, and she just softly moaned into my ear. Just that moan was enough to push me over the edge. I came and then groaned.

"Ana," I said, out of breath. "I love you." I said. "That's great." She smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and got out. I noticed Ana didn't get out. "You coming?" I said. She shook her head. "Remember how you came and I didn't? Yeah. So leave me be." Ana said. I got back in.

I smirked at her. "I could help you with that." She rolled her eyes and smiled. I didn't hesitate to stick my finger in her. She tugged at my wet hair. "More, Vicky." She threw her head back. I stuck three more fingers in. She squealed in pleasure.

I pushed my fingers in and out and she came all over my hands. She breathed heavily. I licked my fingers. She looked at me. "That is so hot. Usually guys just wash their hands." She said before licking my middle finger.

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