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I woke up to Vic screaming and crying. Mike, Turtle, and Jaime were in my hotel room, trying to calm him down.  I watched as Mike and Jaime try to wrestle Vic to the floor.

I got out of bed. "What happened? What's going on?" I tried to yell over all of the screaming. Turtle told me that Ciara had been cheated on Vic for three years. "That bitch!" I exclaimed. Everyone's attention turned to me, even Vic's. He was breathing hard. His face was stained with old and new tears. He was pinned under Jaime.

They watched me as I put shoes and a jacket on. Vic sniffled. "Wait, Ana, where are you going?" He said. "I have something I need to do." I said and walked out of the room. "Wait, Ana!!" I heard Vic yell after me. "Don't kill her!" Jaime yelled. "No promises!" I replied.

"Wait!" I heard Vic scream again. "She can't hurt Ciara! Ana!! I love her! Please, Ana, please!" He screamed and sobbed. I knew exactly where Ciara lived. If I could just sneak into her house...

Turtle jogged to catch up with me. "Wait, um-" I turned around and looked at him. He blushed and looked at his shoes. "They want you back and they don't want you to hurt her." He said.

I rolled my eyes and followed him back. Vic was crying even more. Both Jaime and Mike had to sit on him.

"You can go, boys. I got him." I told them. They left. Turtle waved to me. I waved back and shut the door.

Vic looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I sat down on his lap and let him sob and blubber into my shoulder for about an hour.

Vic told me about he thought she was the one. He told me about their first date, and the first time they kissed, and the first time they made love. He was so heartbroken.

There was a silence. It was a comfortable one, though. He was staring at me again. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Kiss me," he said. "Vic, you're hurt. You're not thinking straight." I told him. "C'mon, just one little kiss. Please? For me?" He pleaded with puppy eyes.

I brushed my lips against his. My lips were about a centimeter away from his. I stayed like this for about ten seconds. I still didn't know if this was right or not. Vic soon got frustrated and crashed his lips against mine. His actions weren't out of love. They were out of pain and sorrow. He wasn't being soft, either. That's how I knew. He put his hands on my legs and trailed them up to the button of my jeans. I pushed Vic away. "Please, Ana," he said. His eyes were still pouring tears. "I just...I don't wanna feel anything right now."

I don't wanna feel a thing anymore

"It's gonna be okay Vic. Let's go to sleep." I laid next to him and he cuddled me. I soon fell asleep to him singing 'A Match Into The Water' to me.

"I kissed the scars on her skin. 'I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever wanna lose my best friend.' I screamed out,' God, you vulture. Bring her back or take me with her..."

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