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I held Ana's hand as we flew back to San Francisco. Her head was nuzzled into my neck and her other hand clutched onto my shirt like her life depended on it. Since Ana's original house was in SF, they're sending her to a mental hospital there.

I stared at the scars on her arm. Neither of us had spoken a word about it since the afternoon in the bathtub. I kissed her arm.

I started to hum the melody to 'A Match Into The Water' to her as her eyes fluttered close.


I yawned when I woke up. It was still night, according to my phone. Apparently I was still in Florida time. Blegh, jet lag. Ana's head was still resting on my shoulder. Nature was calling, but I didn't wanna wake her up. I was sitting in the middle, Ana had the aisle seat, and Mike was to my left.

"Jeez," I muttered. Thank god her phone rang. She picked up her head and blinked rapidly. She answered her phone. I whispered to her that I'd be right back and she nodded. I scooted past her and left.

When I got back Ana had her knees up to her chest and was rocking back and forth. I sat down. "What's wrong?" I asked cautiously. Obviously everything is wrong, but..you know. She snorted. "Everything," See? Told you.

"It got out that 'Vic Fuentes' new girlfriend is getting sent away to mental hospital!'" She yelled. I crinkled my nose up. Ana wasn't my girlfriend. "What?" I said in disbelief.

Across the aisle, Tony's face turned red and he buried his face in his phone. Ana's head turned so quickly I'm surprised she didn't get whiplash. "Turtle, what the hell did you do?" Ana said, getting up. I tried to stop her but she smacked my hand away.

"I-I-I m-may have tipped off the paparazzi because they were swarming me and I got really scared," said Tony, his voice shaky. "Where did you get the idea that Bic and I were dating?" Ana said. "Jaime told me." I smacked Jaime awake. "What?" He groaned and stretched. "You told Tony we were dating?" He squinted at me, then at Tony. "Tone, that was a joke. What did you do?" Ana sat back in her seat and threw her head in her hands. She sighed in defeat. It was really low, but I was the only one who heard her say "I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet."


The hardest part wasn't watching Ana sob all the way to the hospital. Or seeing her in that over-revealing gown. It was having to leave. I could only visit her twice a week, and my schedule was already crazy. I hugged Ana one last time.

"It's gonna be okay. I promise." I told her. I had a hard time believing it myself, though. She had tried to kill herself when she was twelve and another time four years ago when she drank bleach. I doubt they would let her out this time.

"Just act happy and like everything's fine and they'll let you go. I know it's hard, princess. But just know I love you, okay? Never forget that." I said. I kissed her forehead and then I had to leave.

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